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Entre el 22 d’octubre i el 14 de novembre, es durà a terme un procés participatiu per tal que el PDI, el PTGAS i l’estudiantat facin aportacions al text de l’avantprojecte dels nous Estatuts de la UPC.

The Fundación Privada José Luis Massó offers scholarships for students enrolled in master's programs offered by the FIB.

Did you know that Barcelona is one of the most prominent digital hubs in Europe? Don't miss the Welcome IT Day organized by Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Next Wednesday, October 30, from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., at the Openchip offices (3rd floor, module C, of the Nexus II building), the Engineers of the Future Talk is back!.

EUMaster4HPC Celebrates Milestone: Graduation of First Cohort of HPC Experts at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) on 11th of October 2024.

Learn more about the Mobility Projects and Graduate Study in Engineering at a top-ranked engineering university in the USA!

BIT Winter Program offers FREE seats for winter 2025 in Zhuhai Campus

During 5, 6 and 9 September took place the Welcome Ceremonies for Grades, Masters and Exchange students.

Starting from 9th of September and until the 20th, you can pick up the UPC folder for the academic year 24-25.

Due to the summer vacations, the administrative services of the FIB will be closed. Check which services and on which days they will be open.

On Friday, 12th of July the graduation ceremony for the students of the Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED) took place in the ETSEIB auditorium.

The academic year 2024-2025 starts next 9th of September. During the month of September, welcome events will be held for undergraduate and master's students, as well as orientation for exchange students.


Amazon ofereix al llarg de tres anys un ajut de 18.000 € a una estudiant d’electrònica, telecomunicació o informàtica que compleixi amb els requisits demanats.

Se't recompensarà amb 2 ECTS(*), un 20% de bonificació al teu ordre de matrícula i un curs de formació amb tècniques que podràs posar en pràctica durant les classes.

NTT DATA offers aid for the enrollment costs of a master's degree taught at the FIB

Are you a graduate in FIB? Are you interested in studying the Master MIRI? The Computer Architecture Department offers two grants in memory of Professor Nacho Navarro.

Allianz offers scholarships for undergraduate and master's degree tuition fees at the FIB.

Seidor offers one scholarship to FIB master students.

The 'Rovernetas' team made up of GIA and CFIS students wins the Sener's Bot Talent, beating multiple master's teams

The enrolment for the fall semester of the academic year 2024-2025, starts on 9th of July 9 and it will be online for all students.

The graduation ceremony of the 4th promotion of the GCED will take place the 12th of July at 17:30

Last Friday, 14th of June, was held the Master's Graduation Ceremony in the Auditorium of the Vèrtex building for students who have completed their master degree in the academic year 2023-2024.

Date: Monday, 17th of June 2024, 11:00 - 13:00h

Place: Sala d'Actes FIB (B6), Campus Nord

Des del 29 de maig fins al 30 de juny es faran visites al "museu" de la FIB per a estudiants i PDI-PTGAS.

Vols millorar el teu anglès oral? El Servei de Llengües i Terminologia ofereix un curs de pràctica oral d’anglès de nivell B2.

El dia 3 de juliol es farà la jornada "Benestar emocional i salut mental a les comunitats universitàries". 

Aula Lliure

Call for the coordination of the Aula Lliure program.

Call for participation to all FIB graduates from the 1991-92 academic year.

El 17 de maig se celebra el Dia Internacional contra l'LGTBI-fòbia, i aquest 22 de maig es faran algunes activitats relacionades.

Recordes el teu primer quadrimestre al GEI, al GCED o al GIA? Et va ajudar que altres estudiants més experimentats t'expliquessin com integrar-te a la FIB? Ara et toca a tu fer-ho!!

Last May 2nd, a delegation from Beihang University visited the UPC.

750 students from all over the world have developed a technological project in just 36 hours in a new edition of HackUPC

Comença l’edició 2024 dels Premis DonaTIC!

Don't miss the opportunity to join the Georgia Tech's summer program at the North Campus.

Ajut econòmic del Banc Santander per estudiants matriculats durant el curs 2024/2025 i beneficiaris de la beca general del Ministeri d'Educació.

It will take place on May 9th, at "Plaça de les Constel·lacions", and the goal is for it to be a meeting point for the entire UPC.

El 13 de maig i el 5 de juny es faran els dos tallers d'educació financera organitzats per l'EFPA.

Next Wednesday, May 15, from 12 to 1 p.m., in the Assembly Hall of the Vèrtex building, the Engineers of the Futur Talk is back!

The Hack UPC is back from May 3 to 5!

SEIDOR invites FIB master and final year bachelor students to an event organized along with Sonar+D on June 13 at the Sonar Festival in Barcelona.

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites you to participate in their TUM Global Week with varied virtual events.

Are you interested in pursuing an internship with a company but you are unsure of how to begin? Join us for an information session on May 15th at 12 noon at FIB's Auditorium.

Data Days Barcelona és una sèrie de conferències, tallers i activitats sobre la ciència i enginyeria de dades.

Jornada informativa sobre Colòmbia i les seves col·laboracions amb la UPC. Es farà aquest 16 de maig.

Did you know that Barcelona is one of the most prominent digital hubs in Europe? Don't miss the Welcome IT Day organized by Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Apply for the Laboratory & Industry Internship program in Taiwan for a paid stay for 1 to 6 months.

Aquest 8 de maig es farà el concurs a la plaça de la FIB. Inscripcions gratuïtes i 250 € en premis.

Presentation by Prof. Emmanuel Planas, Deputy Director at NII, on 23 April, 2024

El dijous 2 de maig torna la Integration Bee, el concurs d'integrals de la UPC!


Contribute to improving mobility on your campus with Mobilitapp. Participate and win!

Slowness in the UPC Internet connection from 10 p.m. on April 12 to 8 a.m. on April 13

DGIST Research Internship program for Undergraduate students for summer 2024

El pròxim 18 d'abril tindrà lloc el 4t ADNTIC amb iTalent dels CIOS i dels seus equips.

WiDS Barcelona 2024 is back on the 11th of April  at Sala d'Actes Manuel Martí Recober, with the aim of inspiring and educating new digital technologies.

Acte d’Homenatge en record d'en Ramon Nonell el dia 12 d’abril a les 13h. a la Sala d’Actes Manuel Martí Recober de la FIB

On the 17th of April 2024, Women in Computer Sciences (WiCS) open the doors to explain their research.

Friday, 14th of June, will take place the Master's Graduation Ceremony

Disruptions due to the connectivity cuts of the FIB network on March 25 and 26, 2024

On 16th of April from 12pm to 2:30pm the workshop aimed at PDI UPC will take place.

Date: Thursday, 21st of March
Time: 12:00
Place: Sala d'Actes Manuel Martí Recober (B6) FIB
Speaker: Bogdan Arsintescu, Partner Director of Engineering at Microsoft

Date: Wednesday, 13th of March
Time: 12:10- 13:15
Place: A6E01
Speaker: Félix Iglesias

Participatory session 'Galàxia Aprenentatge' aimed at the whole community: students, PDI and PTGAS

32nd Call for grants from the CCD for cooperation activities corresponding to the year 2024

Would you like to take part in the FIB women's photo?

HackForGood takes place on March 15 and 16

El 23 de febrer tornen les Hacknights, hackaton amb l'objectiu compartir nits on aprendre, créixer i ensenyar en comunitat. 

From 26th of February to 26th of May the admission period for the FIB's official master's degrees will be open.

Es farà a l'abril a la ciutat de Xi'an a la Northwestern Polytechnical University i s'haurà de fer la sol·licitud abans del 18 de febrer.

Fins a 10 estudiants de la UPC podran fer un curs d'estiu a la SCUT (South China University of Technology). La data límit d'enregistrament serà el 18 de febrer.

L'11 de febrer es celebra el Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència

Internships open at OHB (Germany), a leading company in Europe.

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) invites you to learn about the work of the centre's women bioinformatics researchers and to visit MareNostrum 5

Participate online in the days of interviews with Austrian companies, from March 3 to 13.

Virtual information sessions to study for a semester or full year at ECE University in Paris, France.

Venture into solving a challenge with teams made up of students from all over the world and compete in the best solution for a current problem, with prizes of up to 3000 euros.

The information sessions on mobility programs will be held on Wednesday 14th February. For academic stays during the academic year 2024-2025.

Bachelor's degree in Bioinformatics (interuniversity UPC-UB-UAB-UPF)

Es farà del 26 al 29 de febrer al Mobile World Congress 2024 i s'haurà d'haver fet una inscripció abans del 18 de febrer.

Si ets estudiant de GEI o de Màster pots aconseguir 2 ECTS(*) i un 20% de bonificació al teu ordre de matrícula.

For a period of 3 months, between June and September 2024, ICFO will host its summer research fellowship program.

Registration period for the spring semester 2023-2024

They challenge you to compete with other students in an environment of entrepreneurs that on their day taken your same path.

BIT Summer Program offers seats for on-campus and online programs for summer 2024

El dia 23 de gener tindrà lloc la presentació de la base de dades 'AccessEngineering' de McGraw Hill

Es farà a Adana, Turquia, i el termini d'inscripció serà el 20 de febrer. Aprofita per participar en la major competició tecnològica del món.

Aalto Science Institute's internship programme for summer 2024 has launched a new call for international bachelor and master students

Imagine doing your internship at CERN in Geneva!

How do you plan to spend your summer? How does getting involved in some of the world’s biggest experiments sound? Take part in CERN’s Summer Student Programme!

The Consell Social of the UPC announces the Miquel Barceló UPC Science-Fiction Award 2024

A new call is open to participate in the UPC's international student mentoring program.

The NotOnlyFLOPs Winter School is back! See you from 5th to 9th of February 2024

Allianz Technology has awarded 5 scholarships to FIB master's students

The FIB administrative services will be closed from December, 23 to January, 7.


Carry out your Bachelor or Master Thesis at the University of California

FIB administrative services will remain closed on December 7.

La Cátedra SEAT UPC abre una nueva edición del Design Thinking (DT-2324), un reto propuesto por SEAT en el ámbito de la automoción, dirigido a estudiantado de grados y másteres.


Date: 24 November 2023
Hour: 9 am
Place: Sala de Teleensenyament de L'ETSEB (B3)

Participa en l'edició d'enguany de la Game Jam Barcelona els dies 26, 27 i 28 de gener!

Un any més, el Col·legi Oficial d'Enginyeria en Informàtica de Catalunya celebra la Lul·liana en un acte commemoratiu del seu patró, Ramon Llull.

Application to BIT Winter Program for Chinese Language and Culture is already open!

What about an exchange semester in China? Don't miss one of the two online sessions of City University of Hong Kong (CityU)!

The Computer Science Department at ETH offers a summer research fellowship for undergraduate and graduate students from around the world.

The ETH Robotics Student Fellowship (ETH RSF) program offers graduate students the opportunity to research alongside experts on the specific topic of robotics of their choice.

ETH Zurich offers 11 scholarships for a summer research stay within the Amgen Scholars Programme.

On Wednesday 15th of November an information session on mobility programs will be held for academic stays during the academic year 2024-2025.

Se celebren 50 anys de la constitució del grup que va posar en marxa el Centre de Càlcul a la Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona (CCUPB)

Annual call for applications for the allocation of tuition grants for UPC students in refugee status.

Join the course "Change makers: Shapping the future" and learn to succeed in the rapidly evolving online world. 

Convocatòria d’elecció de representants per proveir les vacants del Claustre Universitari de la UPC 2023

Dates clau de les eleccions de representants a la Junta de Facultat i a la CAGCED, novembre 2023

Next 8th of November is taking place a new edition of "Unite! virtual fair"

The 1st edition of David Riaño Ramos Award to the best Master Thesis at MAI has been announced.

Pre-enrolment to official Master’s organized by Barcelona School of Informatics is now open. The course will start in February for the Spring semester of 2023-2024.

Find out about the exhibitions, activities and other events that will take place on November 17 at Fira Barcelona de Montjuïc in JUMP2DIGITAL.

The Haute École Ingenierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud is offering different internships.

FIB students, Lluís Llull and Ivan Serrano, members of one of the teams that will go to the final of the NASA International Space Apps hackathon.

Second edition of the awards for the 3 best TFG's and the 3 best TFM's related to health promotion.

UPChelps grants to subsidize tuition fees for undergraduate, master's and doctoral students.

From 14 September to 31 October, you can apply for the Equitat grants in order to aim for a reduction in the amount of credits.

Learn more about the Mobility Projects and Graduate Study in Engineering at a top-ranked engineering university in the USA!

Did you know that Barcelona is one of the most prominent digital hubs in Europe? Don't miss the Welcome IT Day organized by Mobile World Capital Barcelona

DEFIB organizes the traditional graduation photography ceremony with the graduates of the Degree in Computer Engineering from the class of 2024.

Next 9th of October takes place the 1st meeting of Women in HPC 


New call for the Mentoria M2m program (2023-2024) aimed at women with final credits of their career, as well as UPC graduates.

Speaker: Jacomine Grobler, visiting professor from Stellenbosch University (South Africa) 

Thursday, 21 September at 10:30 am at Sala de Juntes FIB (Building B6, first floor)

On 20th of September at 12:00h in sala d'Actes Manuel Martí Recober, we will celebrate a welcoming event for the new teaching staff of the FIB.

Academic year 2023-2024: classes start on 7th of September | Welcome days are being held on 5th, 6th and 8th of September.

Due to the summer vacations, the administrative services of the FIB will be closed from 31st of July to 31st of August (both included).

Se't recompensarà amb 2 ECTS(*), un 20% de bonificació al teu ordre de matrícula i un curs de formació amb tècniques que podràs posar en pràctica durant les classes.

Call for grants for startups and entrepreneurial projects promoted by students and/or recent UPC graduates

On Friday, 21 July at 6 p.m., the Graduation Ceremony of the 3rd promotion of the Data Science and Engineering degree will take place in the Vertex auditorium of the UPC.

A new call is open to participate in SALSA'M, the UPC's international student welcoming program.

Financial aid from Banco Santander for students enrolled during the 2023/2024 academic year and beneficiaries of the Ministry of Education's general scholarship.

Allianz Technology offers scholarships to FIB master students

NTT DATA offers one scholarship to FIB master students

Seidor offers one scholarship to FIB master students.

The FIB enrolment period starts next 10th of July. It will be online for all students.

Este verano no te quedes en casa, vuelven los cursos JEDI, del 26 de junio al 7 de julio

TUM Technical University of Munich Global Week 2023

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites you to participate in their TUM Global Week with varied virtual events

On Thursday 13th of July, the graduation ceremony for the 2022-2023 master's degree graduates will take place.

From 10th of May to 5th of June is the period to answer the teaching survey addressed to all students.

Speaker: Prof. Zhendong Niu, professor with the School of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology.
Date: 24th of May 2023 Time: 15:00 am
Venue: sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober de la FIB (Building B6, ground floor) and Zoom

Ets estudiant de Grau i has superat 2n curs? Presenta't a la RIS Education Winter School 

Conferència Karma Peiró

Speaker: Karma Peiró

Friday 19 Mai at 11 am in the sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober (Building B6, ground floor)

Organized by Comité d'ètica de la UPC

BitsxLaMarató és una de les iniciatives presentades al premi UPC al Compromís Social. Ens ajudes a passar a la següents fase?

Vine a la festa de la cooperació el 18 de maig a les 12h a la Plaça de les Constel·lacions 

Ja està aquí l'edició 2023 de la HackUPC! 

As every year, on May starts the GeorgiaTech’s summer programme at FIB.

Eleventh European Big Data Management & Analytics Summer School (eBISS 2023)

The European Business Intelligence & Big Data Summer School is a joint event between the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master BDMA and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Joint Doctorate DEDS. 

Are you a bachelor's or master's student? Do you like the world of Computer Science (CS)? Would you like to meet expert women in the field?

Speaker: Frank Dignum, Professor of Socially-Aware AI at Umeå University
Date: 27th of April 2023 Time: 11:00 am
Venue: sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober de la FIB (Building B6, ground floor)

Speaker: Frank Dignum, Professor of Socially-Aware AI at Umeå University
Date: 26th of April 2023 Time: 11:00 am
Venue: sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober de la FIB (Building B6, ground floor)

Lecture 'A pessimistic vision of technology to be optimistic' led by Manuela Battaglini next 12 of April at 12:00h

setmana santa

All FIB administrative services will remain closed from 7th to 10th of April (both included).FIB administrative services during Easter 2023

BIT Summer Program offers 5 FREE seats for on-campus programs for summer 2023

En motiu del Dia de la Dona el 8 de març, els centres docents del Campus Nord i la UPC reivindiquem el paper de la dona enginyera amb un seguit d'activitats.

Participa a la GameJam per les Malalties Minoritàries, un concurs de videojocs que té com a objectiu donar a conèixer aquest tipus de malalties.

Taula rodona 'Women in science session: From the Top Secret Rosies to women in HPC' per donar visibilitat a les accions més rellevants de les dones a la ciència

Pre-registration for the FIB official master degrees will be open from 27th of February to 26th of May. 

Portes obertes departament de Life Science del BSC

BSC Life Science Open Day with BioInfo4Women

El proper dia 11 de febrer es celebra el Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència.

The information sessions on mobility porgrammes will be held on Wednesday 15th of February for academic stays in the academic year 2023-2024.

Enrolment period begins at FIB. Registration for degree and master's degree students will take place from 6 to 9 February. From 30 January to 2 February, the pre-enrolment can be done.

This call is for students that intend to ask for a mobility place in Erasmus+ KA103 programme for the course 2023-2024.

EUMaster4HPC image

Don't miss the opportunity! Apply to the new EUMaster4HPC programme until 28 of February.

Are you interested in discovering the world of high performance computing?

Looking for an unforgettable summer full of knowledge and fun in Estonia? Have a look at UT International Summer University courses.


Are you looking for a practical training period during the European summer (June – September)?

The hybrid seminar entitled “Responsible AI: what is it and why care?" will be held next Monday 16th of January at 11.30 a.m.

The Aalto Science Institute in Finland has opened the internship programme for summer 2023: June-August.


The third call for projects "Unite!4future" is open, students are encouraged to make a team and submit a proposal for a university of the future 

FIB administrative services will remain closed from 27 December to 5 January (both included).

A four-week credit-bearing programme in Linköping, Sweden - Scandinavia, only available for students from LiU’s partner universities. No tuition fees!

New call to participate in the UPC's international student induction programme.

The Consell Superior d'Avaluació del Sistema Educatiu opens a call for applications for five collaboration grants at the field of activity of the Council until 29 December.

Students surveys on subjects and teaching-assessment are open until 5 January.

Are you studying a master's degree at the UPC and you want to participate in an interesting mobility program in the 2023-2024 academic year and afterwards do an internship abroad?

Last Friday, 11 November, the Master's Graduation Ceremony of the MEI, MIRI, MAI, MCYBERS and MFPS was held at the Vèrtex Building auditorium where the accreditations were handed over to graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year.

Date: 18 November 2022
Hour: 9 am
Place: Sala d’Actes Manuel Martí Recober (B6 building, ground floor)

DEFIB is organizing the traditional Orla for the graduates of the bachelor's degree in Informatics Engineering of the promotion 2023.

Wednesday 9 November, from 4 pm to 6 pm, a new online fair "Unite! virtual fair for students" will take place.

On Wednesday 16th November at 12.15 pm an information session on mobility programs will be held for academic stays during the academic year 2023-2024.

Pre-enrolment to official Master’s organized by Barcelona School of Informatics is now open. The course will start in February for the Spring semester of 2022-2023.

Europe-Colorado Program Presentation in partnership with the Balsells Program.

On Friday, 11 November, at 6 pm, at the Vertex building auditorium of the Campus Nord, will take place the graduation ceremony of 2021-2022 academic year.

Participate in the 4th CASSINI Hackathon that will take place from 4 to 6 November on the EETAC.

UPChelps to subsidise tuition expenses for master and degree students and docotorate.

On the next Tuesday, 4 October 2022, from 7 am to 8 am, an urgent update of the gitlab service will be performed.

The Ciutat de Valls Foundation has opened a new call for International Mobility Scholarships for the 2022-2023 course.

Don't miss the presentation of the new professional chapter Barcelona ACM-W from 5 to 7 October at the Campus Nord.

Call for participation in the Student Cluster Competition until 9 October!

Date: Wednesday, 28 September
Time: 12 pm to 1 pm
Place: Aula Graus (C4002) Campus Nord UPC

Wednesday, 21 September, from 7 am to 8 am the main router of the FIB network will be maintained. This maintenance will affect all TIC services provided by FIB and the UTGCNTIC connection to C6.

On Thursday 15 September from 2 pm to 3 pm, a storage commutator maintenance will be made. This maintenance can affect all services provided by FIB.

During 2 and 5 September took place the Welcome Ceremonies for Masters and Erasmus students.

The 5th edition of the Novartis Datathon challenge will be held from 24 to 27 November 2022, and once again, will be 100% online.

From 15 September to 31 October, you can apply for the Equitat grants in order to aim for a reduction in the amount of credits.

Centrale Lille offers an exchange opportunity for engineering students. Explore the Campus with an Introductory Webinar on 23 September.

You are invited to attend the International iWeek at Efrei, Paris. Apply until 28 August 2022 and enjoy Paris during one week.

Are you a UPC student and you are making now or will you make an exchange abroad this academic year 2022-2023? Request for MOBINT-MIF until 15 September.

The Erasmus+ scholarships are now open for degree or master’s students until 31 October 2022.

On 5 September, the 2022-2023 FIB course starts. On 2 and 5 September all welcoming ceremonies for all titulations will be held.


The CYD Foundation highlights the UPC for studying computer engineering in Spain in its ranking that compares the quality of Spanish universities.

SISTEDES and NTT DATA convene the first edition of the awards for innovation in software engineering and software development technologies.

NTT DATA collaborates with the SISTEDES Association awarding the best TFG and TFM.

Seidor Company offers one grant to FIB master students.

On Monday, 4 July, from 7 am to 8.30 am., we will update FIB networking equipment.

FIB enrolment from 11 July. Online enrolment for all students.

Take part in the AI Coliseum 2022 and create your own artificial intelligence and win a lot of awards.

New call to participate in the UPC's international student induction programme.

From 27 to 30 June there will be a new extended period for MIRI applications to start the master on the 2022-2023 course.

NTT DATA awards scholarships for the enrolment fees of students on the master's degree at the FIB.

The ACM Europe Summer School is open to apply before 1 July! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications.

Where will your journey take you? Welcome to the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Date: Monday, 20 June
Time: from 4 pm to 5.30 pm
Speaker: Sergio Boixo
Place: Campus Nord, UPC. Room TBA

Are you a graduate in FIB? Are you interested in studying the Master MIRI? The Computer Architecture Department offers two grants in memory of Professor Nacho Navarro.

Conferència Karma Peiró

Date: Wednesday 8 June 2022 - Conference put off to October
Time: 11:00
Venue: Sala d'Actes, Vèrtex building
Speaker: Karma Peiró

Open the call for UPC Alumni loans for the academic year 2022-2023 to UPC students.

The Erasmus+ National Office Morocco organizes the first edition of Erasmus Scientific Days, dedicated to high-level scientific exchange.

Are you a student? Do you like the world of Computer Sciences? Would you like to know about women in the field?

BIT plans to launch a two weeks online ‘Cloud lessons’ summer program.

EUMaster4HPC image

Don't miss the opportunity! Apply to the new EUMaster4HPC programme until 15 May.

The period to answer the teaching survey addressed to the entire student will remain open from 9 May to 1 June .

Are you interested in doing an internship at DTT (Amsterdam), a development company creating app, web and game solutions?

Looking for an unforgettable summer full of knowledge and fun? Focus on new knowledge, ideas and experiences at UT International Summer University courses.

If you are a UPC student, gather a team of students from the Unite! universities, prepare a video with your vision of the university of the future, and send it before the 15th of May. 

comunicat FIB

In view of the new measures published by the health authorities and the evaluation of the Occupational Risk Prevention Service (SPRL) of the UPC, the mask is no longer mandatory in UPC buildings. 

The UPC, SEAT and Volkswagen Group Innovation are looking for new strategies to improve the performance of powertrain and future electric vehicle batteries.

The 19th EurAI Advanced Course on AI and 2nd TAILOR summer school, in Barcelona from 13 to 17 June 2022.

Join the summer edition of 3E+ Summer School at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, one of the top technical universities in Poland.

Nethermind is offering an internship program towards Computer Science and Mathematics students opened all year around.

From 22 August to 9 December 2022, students get the chance to participate in the online German Language Courses - STEM programme.

If you are an UPC student, you can participate in this practical and innovative summer course to learn about the essentials of human-centered machine learning.

All FIB administrative services will remain closed from 15 to 18 April (both included).

EUMaster4HPC image

A consortium of European partners led by the University of Luxembourg has been selected by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking to design and implement the first pan-European High Performance Computing (HPC) pilot Master’s programme. 

comunicat FIB

In accordance with the guidelines of the Department of Health, COVID-19 is to be treated as any other respiratory infection for all purposes.

Ricardo Baeza-Yates, a computer engineering and professor at Institute for Experimental AI of Northeasteren University, will give a talk about ‘Ethical Challenges in Artificial Intelligence’ on Friday, 25 March.

WiDS Barcelona 2022 is back on 20 April to Sala d'Actes Manuel Martí Recober, with the aim of inspiring and educating new digital technologies.

The 5th edition of the Advanced Factories, supporting partner of the FIB, will take place from 29 to 31 March at the CCIB in Barcelona.

Second edition of SEAT challenges at the UPC Design Thinking 2022 (DT-22), in gamification of the motor driving sporting character.

It offers four workshops for UPC students in the framework of the immense Residency 2022. The registration are free and the workshops are located in Barcelona.

HackUPC is back and stronger than ever! Come from 29 April to 1 May, develop a team technology project, network and enjoy with your friends.

Pre-enrollment to official Masters organized by Barcelona School of Informatics is now open. The course will start the Autumn of 2022-2023 four-month period (September 2022).

Do you like to paddle? Participate at NTT DATA's IT student tournament.

This call is for students that intend to ask for a mobility place in Erasmus+ KA103 programme for the course 2022-2023.

The uArch is designed to introduce undergraduate and early Master's students to research and career opportunities in the field of computer architecture.

The Santander Bank and the British Council offer 5.000 grants of online English courses.

Scholarships to foreign students, researchers and teaching staff, to study in summer schools in Latvia.

A four-week credit bearing programme in Linköping, Sweden – Scandinavia, only available for students from LiU’s partner universities. No tuition fees!

You wish to deepen your knowledge in Smart energy or Nanotechnology, while traveling the world? Try the Ginsen Summer School!

On Tuesday 16 February an information session on mobility programs will be held, at 12h via meet. For academic stays during the academic year 2022-2023.

The CCII celebrates the 11F with a round table in which the new gender commission will be presented.

Are you interested in robotics? Participate in Eurobot, the educational robotics competition.

Convocatoria becas Fullbright curso 2021/2022

Are you interested studying abroad? Are you thinking to do a master's degree or a PhD? Now you can travel and study with the new call for the Fulbright program.

Are you interested in going to the United States (USA) to study a Master or a Doctorate?

After a very successful first edition, the World Data League is back! The quest to find the world’s best data scientists.

Are you interested in going to the United States (USA) to study a Master, a PhD or do research for your thesis?

The Joint Artificial Intelligence Network (JAIN) are looking for young professionals students that would like to get involved with them to assist people with memory loss.

Day: Wednesday, 16 February
Hour: 12 h
Speaker: Karina Gibert
Place: Sala d’Actes FIB and online

Innopolis University has opened registration for an online AI Hackathon in the field of artificial intelligence “Global AI Challenge” from 9 to 24 February.

New RMEIM Student Prize, which aims to distinguish the best student's final work during the last academic year.

DEFIB is organizing the traditional Orla with the graduates of the promotion 2022.

From 8 February 2022, manteinance services will be carried out in different infrastructures directly concerning the teaching services.

UPChelps to subsidise tuition expenses for master and degree students and docotorate.

Enrolment in the FIB as of 8 February. Enrolment of students of GEI since the 8 to the 11 February. Enrolment of students of Master between the 2 and 10 February.

Do you enjoy learning about the technological innovations and are good with words? Share your ideas by writing an academic paper.

Bioinfo4Women invites you to discover the work of women bioinformatics researchers at the woman and child science day.

The Computer Science UPC department is placed at ‘top 100’ global ranking of the Best Global Universities Rankings 2022.

How do you plan to spend your summer? How does getting involved in some of the world’s biggest experiments sound? Take part in CERN’s Summer Student Programme!

New call to participate in the UPC's international student induction programme.

All FIB administrative services will remain closed from 25 December to 6 January (both included).

The deadline to respond the questionnaires on subjects and teaching performance is 22 December.

Last Thursday, 2 December, took place the Master MEI, MIRI, MAI and MFPS Graduation ceremony at the auditorium of Edifici Vèrtex where the accreditations were awarded to graduates of the year 2020-2021.

Thursday, 2 December 2021, at 7 pm, in the Auditorium of the Vèrtex building.

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) plans to launch a two weeks online ‘Cloud lessons’ winter program.

We are the Google student development club at UPC: Interested in learning how Bitcoin or NFT technology can change the world? 

Would you like to play a role, build robots, organize parties or participate in a magazine? Do you feel your college life is based on going to the bar? Would you be interested in being part of a partnership?

logo INSA Rennes

Do you want to learn or improve your level of French? Take advantage of this opportunity!


Join the Open Day for international partners and prospective students.

Didn’t you attend the Europe – Colorado Program presentation on 6 October? 

Didn’t you attend the California-Catalonia-Balsells Program presentation on 28 October?

On Wednesday 17 November an information session on mobility programs will be held, at 12 pm  via meet. For academic stays during the academic year 2022-2023.

ETH Logo

The ETH Robotics Student Fellowship (ETH RSF) program offers graduate students the opportunity to research alongside experts on the specific topic of robotics of their choice.

The Computer Science Department at ETH offers a summer research fellowship for undergraduate and graduate students over the summer months (1 July – 31 August 2022).

ETH Zurich offers 15-25 scholarships for a summer research stay within the Amgen Scholars Programme. The programme applies to students studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a European university.

DEFIB is organizing the traditional Orla with the graduates of the promotion 2022.

ITMO is offering its best short-term programmes in the online format.

Pre-enrollment to official Masters organized by Barcelona School of Informatics is now open. The course will start in February for the Spring of 2021-2022 four-month period.

Carry out your Bachelor or Master Thesis at the University of California.

Participate at the first Datathon FME "The Barcelona Challenge" 13 and 14 November.

For the first time in Barcelona, Sónar and UPC will organize the AI and Music Festival, focused on the application of and challenges surrounding the use of Artificial Intelligence in music creation.

Europe-Colorado Program Presentation in partnership with the Balsells Program.

Third edition of the online Hackathon Comprometidos por el futuro 2021 with the goal to motivate the future commitment in the field of human and animal health.


NTT DATA awards scholarships for the enrolment fees of students on the master's degree at the FIB.

Seidor Company offers one grant to FIB master students.

Accenture offers 5 grants to FIB master students.

From 1st to 3rd of September there will be a new extended period for MIRI applications to start the master on the 2021-2022 course.

The 13th of September the 2021-2022 FIB course starts. From the 6th to 13th of September all welcoming ceremonies for all titulations will be held.

The "Unite!4future" call invites all participants to present their proposals and compete to win a trip to Lisbon.

FIB enrolment from 12th of July. Online enrolment for all students.

New call to participate in the UPC's international student induction programme.

An informative session will be held on the 6th of July regarding Unite!4future's call, which is adressed to UPC degree, master or doctorate students.

Best autumn school

Join forces with HP, e-Tech Racing and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) to solve the real-world problems found in driverless racing!

The application period for FIB master MIRI has been extended.

From 5 July 2021, manteinance services will be carried out in different infrastructures directly concerning the teaching services.

Closing of the A5, B5, and C6 computer labs on Friday, 25 June.

The virtual TUM Global Week, hosted by the TUM Global & Alumni Office (TUM G&A), will be held from 8 to 9 July 2021.

Università di Pisa is offering the online summer school “5G: Enabling Technologies, Opportunities and Research Challenges Ahead" from 5 to 10 July.

The visit of the External Review Team for the accreditation of GEI, MEI and MIRI will take place next Thursday, 10 and Friday, 11 June.

The 5th edition of the Advanced Factories, supporting partner of the FIB, will take place from 8 to 10 June at the CCIB in Barcelona.

The School of Mathematics and Statistics (FME) organises the XIV Summer School in Statistics from 28 June to 9 July.

If you are planning to do a mobility stay during the 2021-2022 academic course, you can apply for the UPC Alumni Loan Programme.

Are you a Fiber interested in studying the MIRI? Now, the Department of Computer Architecture offers 2 grants in memory of professor Nacho Navarro.

Awards ceremony for the spring edition on Friday, 21 May 2021 at 4 p.m.

The FIB professor publishes an initiation guide on deep reinforcement learning.

The scholarship is part of the joint doctoral degree between the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Politecnico di Torino.

Wrocław University of Science and Technology offers 15 courses at its Summer School.

N3Cat offers several scholarships for MIRI students interested in communications, nanotechnology and/or computer architecture.


The University of Antwerp is offering the Online Summer School Experience Entrepreneurship from 16 to 21 August.

On Friday, 7 May the FestaFIB will be held via Discord and Twitch platforms.

The deadline for the FIB surveys is 4 June.

Make the most of this summer improving your communication skills in French and getting a virtual taste of French culture from home!

The EPF - Graduate School of Engineering is offering the programme Sustainable Smart Cities.

From 17 May to 30 July 2021 students get the chance to participate in the Online German Language Courses.

The FIB Visiona's online job fair will be held from 3 to 7 May.

BIT will offer this summer two online programs, Data Science and Big Data Technology and Chinese Language and Culture.

The visit of the External Review Team for the accreditation of the Interuniversity Master of Artificial Intelligence (MAI) will take place next Friday, 23 April 2021.

Grants of 500 € per month for students who access undergraduate studies at a UPC's schools during the 2021-2022 academic year.

The aim of the grants is to ease the lack of digital resources in the education sector by the assignment of a laptop as well as financial support.

IPSA and EPITA have jointly organised an International Summer School that can be followed online or onsite.

HackUPC is back from 14 to 16 May with a new edition, this time online!

This year’s ACM womENcourage 2021 is celebrating all attempts to bridge communities to foster innovation.

ITMO is offering its best short-term programmes in the online and offline format to provide students with the best opportunity to upgrade their skills and knowledge.

The Greening Africa Together network is an initiative of the Technisches Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) to empower african youth in the fight of climate change and tackling the ecological emergency through local based projects with the participation of african and european students.

The deadline has been extended and applications will be accepted until all positions are filled. However, priority will be given to applications submitted by Sunday, 9 May 2021.

DEFIB is organising the traditional Orla with the graduates of the promotion 2021.

RAUN offers the opportunity to master or doctorate Catalan students of joining a prestigious international education programme to do practical research for organisations.

All FIB administrative services will remain closed from 2 to 5 April (both included).

The Department of Postgraduate and Specialisation (DPE) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) presents the JAE Intro Scholarship Programme for Research, the only one at CSIC.

Logo University of Twente

If you are looking for an inspiring way to spend the summer, the UT offers its CuriousU Summer School (02 - 15 August 2021)


The Avenir scolarships programme is adressed to students living in Spain and wanting to carry out higher studies in France during the academic year 2021-2022.

comunicat FIB

Resolution SLT/612/2021, of 5 March, updates public health measures and allows increasing face-to-face activities at universities.

UPC launched a campaign to collect reusable textile masks that were given to the university community before the summer and that have reached the end of its useful life.

Speakers: Sergi Abadal (UPC) and Irem Boybat (IBM Zurich)

Date: 10th March, 12:15 p.m.

For a period of 3 months, between June and September 2021, ICFO will host its summer research fellowship program.

The 18th February, 2021, the relief process of the head of IDEAI was completed with the designation of Mrs. Karina Gibert as the new director of IDEAI.

The International Data Analysis Olympiad 2021 is being organized by HSE University and Yandex for the 4th time.

Do you want to go abroad during the academic year 2021-2022?

This call is for students that intend to ask for a mobility place in Erasmus+ KA103 programme for the course 2021/2022.

On Tuesday 16th February an information session on mobility programs will be held, at 12h via meet. For academic stays during the academic year 2021-2022.

comunicat FIB

We will start the spring semester on 15th February, and everything seems to indicate that the competent authorities will maintain the current restrictions as far as the teaching activity of Catalan Universities is concerned.

logo FIBVisiona

FIBVisiona-FIB destines 7500 € to study one of the FIB Masters (MEI, MIRI and MAI), for first-year or second-year students.

Enrolment in the FIB as of 8th February. Enrolment of students of GEI since the 8th to the 12th February. Enrolment of students of Master between the 3rd and 12th February.

Are you an undergraduate or Master’s student of Computer Science, Statistics or Applied Data Science who wants to make a difference? 

The Technical University of Darmstadt announces the 2021 edition of INSPIRED, the International Project Week for Interdisciplinary Research-Oriented Digital Learning.

From 22nd January, maintenance will be carried out in different infrastructures that will affect the services used for teaching.

Game Jam Barcelona @ UPC is an event where programmers, designers, artists and musics of all around the world unite to create a videogame in 48 hours (29th-31st January). Experience is not required to participate!

Call to participate in the SALSA’M programme, the UPC international student reception program. Do you want to participate?

Beihang University, on behalf of the China Scholarship Council, offers three scholarships to study a Master's or Doctorate at this University for the 2021-2022 academic year.

How do you plan to spend your summer? How does getting involved in some of the world’s biggest experiments sound? This is more than summer work.

The founders of DEXMA are Guillem Corominas, Xavier Orduña and Joan Pinyol, graduates in Informatics Engineering from the FIB.

The CBA research group has recently started a specific division in the area of AI applied to Computer Networks.

acte academic 2020

On 11 December, the FIB Academic Act has been held online on YouTube, and accreditations have been delivered to the graduates of the 2019/2020 academic year.

Closing of computer labs A5, B5 and C6 during Christmas.

DEDS is a doctorate that works with the Department of Service and Information System Engineering (ESSI) and the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB).

IOAI is the first Olympiad in Russia for schoolchildren and college students (first-year and second-year) in the AI CUP format.

Are you a FIB student and you want to go in exchange with the UNITECH program?

logo FIBVisiona

FIB Visiona’s job fair will be held from 9th to 11th December. This edition has been adapted to be 100% online. 

acte academic 2020

This year, the FIB Graduation Ceremony is held online for the first time. The event is aimed to recognise and celebrate with the people who have graduated from the FIB throughout the academic year 2019-2020.

logo bitsxlamarato

After last year's experience, we decided to repeat! We want a Hackathon full of solidarity, creativity, technology and health.

imatge de la presentació grau intel·ligència artificial

The new degree is promoted by the UPC with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya and within the framework of the Catalonia.AI strategy.


Do you still think about whether to study at Masaryk or not? Of course, it is a big decision, but do not worry – we are here to make it easier.

Didn’t you attend the California-Catalonia-Balsells Program presentation October? 

Europe-Colorado Program offers unique pportunities for European engineering and computer science students.

As decided at the 2020 General Assembly (virtual GA - 8th and 28th October 2020, UPCatalunya), a further T.I.M.E. Call for Projects is being made in 2020-21.

Are you interested in going to the United States (USA) to study a Master, a PhD or do research for your thesis?

Are you interested to learn more about how to join a dynamic and diverse network of professional and developmental opportunities? 

On Thrusday 12th November an information session on mobility programs will be held, at 12:10h via meet. For academic stays during the academic year 2021-2022.

Oliva had been the Philadelphia 76ers' vice president of strategy until now.

ITMO is offering its best short-term programmes in the online format to provide students with the best opportunity to upgrade their skills and knowledge from any convenient location.

The Centre d'Études Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO),  a research laboratory that belongs to the French Spacial Agency is offering an internship.

From Atos we want you to participate like all years in our IT CHALLENGE 2020, our international student contest dedicated to tecnhology innovation.

Are you interested to learn more about how to join a dynamic and diverse network of professional and developmental opportunities? 

comunicat 27 novembre

Statement regarding the adjustments of the academic activity at the FIB during the autumn semester.

California - Catalonia - Balsells Program Presentation, 15th October

Beijing Institute of Technology plans to launch a two weeks online ‘Cloud lessons’ winter program.

Vuelve el Spaceapps Challenge a Madrid esta vez online, del 2 al 4 de octubre, para resolver los retos que este año proponen los científicos y los ingenieros de la NASA.

New online interseasonal course “Artificial Intelligence for all” taking place this November 2020. Check it out!


There has been an announcement in the CESAER net (call for abstracts) for the Best Idea 2021 Competition, giving degree and master students a chance to design and show their ideas about science and technology for sostenibility.


eTandem Global is a virtual language exchange project managed by the University of Edinburgh where you can improve your English language skills while sharing your own culture and language.


If you are looking for a summer full of knowledge and fun, Antwerp Summer University introduces their first series of programmes for the 12th edition. 

On Thursday, 10th September at 10 a.m. , the welcoming ceremony for all newly admitted master students of the FIB will be held online.

Did you know that everis offers help to study a master's degree in the FIB? It's an incredible opportunity and you're still in time to apply!

The government supports the new agreement for the financing of BSC-CNS together with the UPC, in which the future of the center and the supercomputer MareNostrum 5 is guaranteed, financed by the European commission and called to be one of the most powerful in the world.

comunicat FIB

Statements regarding the planning and organization of the autumn semester of the 2020-2021 academic year.

logo eduroam

From Saturday 11th of July at 8 pm, the certificate that is used to authenticate the mesh WiFi Eduroam will stop being valid.

FIB enrolment from 13th of July. Enrolment for new students will be made online on September.


The Fundación CYD highlights the UPC for studying engineering in Spain in its ranking that compares the quality of Spanish universities.

As of 14th July, user accounts will be disuser.

Yes, FIB has new rotulation. Now you will know where B6 is! :)

imatge de mailbox

During this month the mail service of the of Google Suite will be activated. 

From 6th of July a maintenance of the "aula virtual" and virtech services will be made.


The World Data Viz Challenge 2020 Barcelona-Kobe is a contest that has as a principal aim the challenges of the intelligent cities, inviting all citizens to treat their distinct realities and casuistries.

FIB en situación de covid-29

From Monday 22nd, FIB will make face-to-face assistance of the academic field (degrees and masters), agreements of educational cooperation and direction support.


As a project EPIC initiative, Thursday 25 of June the webinar "How can digital tools and new teaching methods improve students learning?" has been organised.

Application open. The Haute École Ingenierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud is offering different internships.


Announcement for the course 2020-2021 of formation stays at the ALBA Synchrotron.


Interested in an online adventure along with like-minded people from all over the world? Make your stay at home a little more educational and join one of the seven exciting online courses offered!


For the sixth time, a student UPC team are competing in the Student Cluster Competition 2020. Do you want to know the NotOnlyFLOPs team?


UPC has started this month a survey for all master and degree students about the excepcional situation of non-presencial teaching this course 2019-2020.


Are you Fiber and you are interested in studying the MIRI? Now, the Department of Computer Architecture offers 2 grants in memory of Professor Nacho Navarro.

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) plans to launch a two weeks online ‘Cloud lessons’ summer program.

This challenge invites students, young professionals, researchers, scientists, engineers, advocates, entrepreneurs, and other creative minds to apply their skills to build innovative solutions to keep the ocean safe. 

Statement from the NII about the upcoming internship calls for the academic year 2020/2021.

logo DRAC

The DRAC project is underway to manufacture a new chip and open source accelerators in Barcelona. It will be designed for safety applications, personalized medicine and autonomous driving and led by BSC.

We inform you that until the 29th of April the inscriptions for the online Rosetta Stone courses of languages, adressed to students, PDI and PAS of the UPC.

From Hackers@UPC we don't want you to get bored for one more minute, so we have organized an online hackathon as a remedy.


The Department of Digital Politics and Public Administration of the Generality of Catalonia, in collaboration with the Foundation i2CAT, will set up this next Friday 3 of April the Hackovid.


Applied Research to Technologies (Ares2t) is offering an internship program for students related to technology in Rome.

BSC Symposium 2020

Date: 5th - 7th of May, 2020
Time: 9 am - 6 pm 
Place: Aula Master, Building A3, Campus Nord UPC

PRACE logo Image

Last days to register to the PATC courses scheduled in March and beginning of April. Don't miss the chance!


The ranking QS by Subject 2020 positions the FIB between 51th - 100th place in Computer Science and Information Systems, while UPC · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is located the 76th in Engineering and Techonology global ranking.

conseller Jordi Puigneró

Conference of the honorable Jordi Puigneró
Wednesday 11th of March, 12.45 am
Manuel Martí Recober boardroom (building B6, ground floor)

RDA Climate Change Datathon

All climate data enthusiasts: data scientists, students, researchers, and representatives from both the private and public sectors that work with open climate data are invited to join the datathon event!


Applications for funding to attend the Second Annual Computer Architecture Undergraduate Mentoring Workshop are now open.

BSC, Foto de Ricardo-Baeza-Yates

Speaker: Ricardo Baeza-Yates, CTO of NTENT, a semantic search technology company based in California, USA.
Date: 4th of March 2020 Time: 11:00 am
Venue: sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober de la FIB (Building B6, ground floor)

Workshop git

JEDI workshops are back. The first of this semester? Introduction to git!

Are you familiar with BEST - Board of European Students of Technology? If you like to travel, meet new people all around the world, and overall have a unique experience you shouldn't miss our activities!

logo INSA Rennes

Do you want to learn or improve your level of French? Take advantage of this opportunity!

logo Xilinx

Are you aware of how much a specialized and custom hardware can accelerate your application? Are you aware what a Field-Programmable Gate Array can do? 

Foto Alistair Mavin

FIB Alumni invites you to join the seminar. It will take place on 3rd of March at 7 pm at the Auditorium Manuel Martí Recober from Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona.

Participate in this competition from Campus Nord hub!

Do you want to go abroad during the academic year 2020-2021?

On Wednesday 12th of February an information session on mobility programmes will be held

Machine Learning Hackathon March 2020

Do you want to shape the future of machine learning? Are you up for real-time problem solving for some of the biggest players?

Foto de l'equip HackUPC

Have you ever wondered what it is like to live a hackathon from another point of view?

The Vice-Rectorate for International Policy calls for financial aid to finance the teaching missions (STA) to be carried out during the academic year 2019-20 within the framework of the ERASMUS + KA103 program of the European Union.

You think about doing a master's degree and you do not know very well what? Come and find out everything in the information sessions, we will answer your questions!

Are you passionate about game development? Do you have your own project and want to publicize your talent?

Enrolment in the FIB as of 3rd February. Enrolment of students of GEI since the 3rd to the 6th February. Enrolment of students of Master since the 5th and 6th February.

Aalto Ventures Program offers you a summer course, where participants from around the world come together to create multidimensional experiences. 

Aalto Science Institute's internship programme for summer 2020 has opened their call for international undergraduate students.

Are you a B.Sc. or M.Sc. student (who will have completed at least three years of full-time studies at university level by next summer) interested in working on advanced IT projects for two full months during the summer?


Have you ever dreamed of visiting CERN, imagine working there all summer!

Open call for the mobility Santander Erasmus Scholarship 2020-2021.

On Monday, the 13th of January at 3 pm, the new UPS in building B6 will be connected.

Opened the call of the 2nd edition of MOST GASE Global Internship Program which will take place from 30th June - 26th August 2020 in Taiwan.

A four-week credit-bearing programme in Linköping,  Sweden – Scandinavia, only available for students from LiU’s partner universities. No tuition fees! 

GameJam Barcelona@UPC 2020

Are you brave enough to make a videogame in 48 hours?

Closing of computer labs A5, B5 and C6 during Christmas.

Programa Salsam - beca coordinador

We inform you that a new call has been opened to participate in the SALSA’M program, the UPC international student reception program. Do you want to participate?

Project for students is ready in Darmstadt Summer 2020, and we hope you find it fascinating and want to be a part of it.

defib xocolatada 2019

A few days ago, the 2019 edition of the XOCOLATADA was held with massive success

Come to Hackers@UPC next workshop and learn about Go, a programming language created by Google used for developing key infrastructure problems such as analytic engines, databases and networking among many others.

logo Kaust University

On the 4th of December at 12 a.m. in the Aula Master of the Campus Nord, it will take place the presentation "Visiting Student Research Internship Program" of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) from Saudi Arabia, which is addressed to the UPC students.

The Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) is offering a three-month scholarship.

Day: wednesday 4th of December
Hour: 4 pm
Place: Manuel Martí Recober auditorium of the FIB (building B6, ground floor)

Lonrix Ltd, a New Zealand software developper company is looking for a senior undergraduate or a master student to work on a research project with option to do the TFG/TFM.

UPC and Cisco have an agreement and you can enjoy a 1-year funded internship at the Cisco Systems headquarters in Silicon Valley (San Jose, California), very close to San Francisco!

Are you a UPC student and you want to go in exchange with the UNITECH programme?

logo FIBVisiona

Are you interested in joining the working world already as a computer science expert? Are you studying a computer science degree, data engineering degree or a postgraduate degree related to technology?

Opened he call for international mobility scholarships "Santander Iberoamerican undergraduate students 2020-2021".

logo bitsxlamarato

Here comes the hackaton of solidarity, technology and health! 
This is the hackaton that collaborates with “la Marató de TV3”, a charity program organised every year at Christmas time by the public television in Catalunya.
This is the hackaton that will bring us positive energy and donations for a good cause!!!

From 29 June until 17 July 2020, CTU in Prague will offer their summer school “Robotics & Future Tech”.

PRACE logo Image

Registrations are now open for the following four courses of the PATC in February. Check them out!

If you are a MIRI, MAI, MEI or GEI student then you can apply to a project in the IT area for the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year.

The Faculty of Business Studies of the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer will carry out an "International Project Week" during the spring semester of 2020.

Concurs de fotografia "ELS FIBERS"

Do you like photography? Participate in the annual photography contest organized by DEFIB!

ETH Logo

ETH Zurich offers 15 scholarships for a summer research stay within the Amgen Scholars Programme. The programme applies to students studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a European university.

The RustFest Barcelona 2019 is coming again, a conference where you can learn everything about the Rust programming language.

The Institute IMDEA Software, in collaboration with EIT Digital, is organizing chainReaction, the first Hackathon "Blockchain for Environmental Action", in Madrid from 3 to 5 of February 2020.

The Computer Science Department at ETH offers a summer research fellowship for undergraduate and graduate students over the summer months (1 July – 31 August 2020).

The Student4Students project that represents UPC among the finalists of the DigiEduHack Barcelona 2019, needs your help to win!

On Wednesday 13th November an information session on mobility programs will be held for academic stays during the academic year 2020-2021.

Are you addicted to coding and solving complex problems? Come to the 4th Annual BSC/UPC Hackathon and test your problem solving skills.

Pre-enrollment to official Masters organized by Barcelona School of Informatics is now open. The course will start in February for the Spring of 2019-2020 four-month period.

A talk called “The Universal Basic Income” will take place on Wednesday the 6 th of November at 12 p.m. in the Sala d’Actes of the Vèrtex Building (Soterrani -1).

Do you know Hack the Box? Sign up and participate as a UPC member.

There will be a Capture The Flag event on the Barcelona Cybersecurity Congress with the collaboration of inLab FIB.

UPC is amongst the 500 best universities in the world, and at the “top 100” in Computer Science according to the NTU ranking.

The Fundación Carolina, la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) and Crue Universidades Españolas create the «Universidad, Conocimiento y Agenda 2030» awards.

Open registration for the virtual courses of languages by SLT, if you are thinking of doing one of the mobility programs and you don't know the language, here you have the opportunity to solve it! Learn languages with the virtual platform Rosetta Stone.

The Vice-Rectorate for International Policy calls for financial aid to finance the teaching missions (STA) to be carried out during the academic year 2019-20 within the framework of the ERASMUS + KA103 program of the European Union.

Do you like to be in contact with companies related to IT, assist at events and technological congresses, organize workshops collaborating with businesses and making a change in FIBer world?

Day: Wednesday, 9th of October
Time: Midday
Class: A5102

PRACE logo Image

Last chance to register to the following two courses of the PATC in January. Check them out!

Cineforum: "Big challenges for gender equality", at Palau Macaya

DigiEduHack, educational hackaton on the 3rd and 4rth of October.

Have you ever heard about hackathons? If you want to know more about these events, join hackers at UPC the 2nd of October at midday on the class A5001.

Did you know that in the Northern area of Belgium there are various opportunities to work in an innovative and tech based environment?

The 30th of September UPC releases “UPCArts” to connect technology and culture

Fibermeeting arrives at uni next weekend! From the 27th to the 29th of September, you will enjoy 48 hours of intense gaming with endless tournaments, activities and a very good gamer environment! If you want to have a good time with friends while you play, do not hesitate to sign up.

Inlab FIB and the company AdQuiver sign a collaboration agreement to apply artificial intelligence and big data to tourist marketing.

Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship and Fellowship programs are accepting 2020 applications.

FIB informs that next Monday, September 23, a non-school day at the FIB, only the computer labs in the A5 building will be open.

The CEFIB (Club d'Esport de la FIB) association organises a football tournament the 1st of October and a volleyball tournament the 4th.

The 5th edition of the BIg Data Talent Awards is here!

HackUPC returns this fall, from 11th to 13th of October.

If you want to complete your studies at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder) or at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), you may attend the presentation session of the Balsells Fellowship Program on October 2nd.
