Contribute to improving mobility on your campus with Mobilitapp. Participate and win!
Thursday 11 April 2024
DOWNLOAD THE APP (available on the Google Play Store), and record your trips to and from the campus from Monday, April 15th to Friday, April 19th. With the data you provide, we can promote sustainable, healthier and safer mobility. Participate and contribute to improving mobility on your campus!
Participate actively in the campaign and enter the draw for a T-Jove, a T-Usual, a subscription to the UPC gym and merchandising, among others!
This pilot test is a campaign of Ciència Ciutadana aimed at the entire community. The app has been developed at the UPC and predicts the mode of transport used to travel using mobile device sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer).
The initiative is organized by UPC Sostenible and the research group SISCOM, developer of the app, with the support of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Social Responsibility and Equality, the Rector's Delegate for Citizen Science and the Rector's Delegate for the Urban Mobility KIC.
Read all the information about the pilot test at:
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