Open days 2024
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The Bachelor Degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED) responds to the need of training graduates with a multidisciplinary vision of science and engineering and able to cope with evolving technological challenges and based, in large part, on computer systems that generate and analyze massive amounts of data.
This degree aims to form expert professionals in analysis and engineering of structured and unstructured data (text, audio, video, medical tests, financial indicators, etc.), with a mathematical base and engineering skills that allow them to model and solve complex problems. It is an emerging field of work with applications as diverse as biomedical informatics, genomics, financial analytics, the study of physical phenomena, e-commerce, smart cities, sports or social networks, among others.
The Degree lasts 240 credits ECTS (4 academic years).
The Degree in Data Science and Engineering, offered jointly by FIB, ETSETB and FME, provides training in three basic pillars: mathematics and statistics, to be able to model systems and treat information in a rigorous way; Computing, to use computing devices in a generalized and efficient way in the treatment of information and autonomous learning; and signal processing, to deal with the complex information represented in images, audio and video or generated by any source of digitally encoded data. Entrepreneurship and autonomous learning will be fostered during studies based on specific subjects and participation in multidisciplinary projects.
12,694 (2023-2024 academic year)
The Degree lasts 4 academic years.
Full time: 20h lectures and 20h-25h personal workload per week.
Part time: 10h lectures and 10h-12.5h personal workload per week.
Subjects are delivered in Catalan or Spanish. Students can check related information on the website.
Students should have a good grounding in science, logical reasoning skills, ability to handle mathematical models and good observation, attention and concentration skills.
Further information on the FIB quality system.
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