Study abroad

You are here

If you're in doing part of your studies abroad, you can attend the information sessions held during the academic year or you can come request information at the FIB International Relations Area in the main floor of the B6 building.

FIB students may take part in several mobility programmes. Check the mobility programmes and the partner universities to know all the details. FIB works constantly to increase the number of international agreements and to offer more possible destinations to our students.

In general, at a foreign university one might go to take courses or carry out the final thesis of the corresponding degree. Exceptionally and always with a previous autorization, one might take specialization complementary subjects.


What do you have to do to go abroad?

Before you leave

You will have to do a lot of things before you leave

When you arrive

And on arrival at your destination

Before you return

Don't forget anything

When you return

And in the end...


FIB International Relations

(34) 93 401 07 37

Vice-dean for International Relations

(34) 93 401 69 61