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Eric Serrano Lenzetti

Contact Information

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 Omega Building, S103, Campus Nord


Social Media


● To promote innovation culture and technology creation to the students.
● To promote hackathon participation as well as other events, both national and
international, amongst students.


● Carry out tech workshops to present interesting topics or new technologies.
● Organizing HackUPC as well as other hackathons.
● Organizing teams to attend conferences or hackathons together.

Requirements to be membership

Be a UPC student.

Series and Video-games Association


Javier Armaza Bravo

Contact Information

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, Building Omega - office 104 Campus Nord


Social Media


Organize tournaments, watch series, play video-games.


  • All kind of tournaments (LoL, CS:GO, Street Fighter...).
  • Series marathons.

Requirements to be membership

Being a student of UPC

FIB's Students Delegation (DEFIB)


Francisco Javier Costa Ferrer-Vidal

Contact Information

93 413 75 96

Building Omega, office 102


Social Media


The aim of the association is to advise, represent and help the students of FIB as much as we can.


Some of the activities we do every quarter or year are organizing the class graduation photograph, manage the course delegates, the talk about specialties subjects, belonging to the governing bodies of FIB, collaborate with other associations, etc. and obviously, resolve issues and incidents of students.

Requirements to be membership

Being a student of FIB

Linux UPC


Marc Marcos Madruga

Contact Information

93 413 76 56

C. Jordi Girona 1-3, Building Omega, Office S105 Campus Nord


Social Media


LinuxUPC is a non-profit association dedicated to the study and dissemination of Free Software within the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The aims of teh assiciation are:

  1. Promoting and training in the use of culture, free hardware and networks at all levels of the university.
  2. Promoting extracurricular activities to participate in software projects, culture, free hardware and networks.
  3. Promoting good practices in the activities of specification, design, implementation, implementation and project management software.
  4. Promoting the use and collaboration with free software projects in the activities of specification, design, implementation and deployment and management of software projects.


Talks, workshops, debates, own projects, participation in hackatons.

Requirements to be membership

Being a student of UPC.

CRUPC - Club de Rol de la UPC


Sara Izquierdo

Contact Information

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 Building Omega - Office S101 Campus Nord


Social Media


Bring beginers into the world of role-playing game and being an association where more experienced players can find partners, games and players.


Weekly role-playing games (D & D, Pathfinder, Anima Beyond Fantasy, Pangea, World of Darkness, etc.) other games (Bloodbowl, D & D, Munchkin, Bang!, Risk, and many more), Magic the Gathering, with tournaments and "drafts" and any proposal related to the world of role.

Requirements to be membership

To be a UPC student.

BEST (Board of European Students of Technology)


Javier Ríos Cuadrado

Contact Information

93 401 65 41

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 Building A3 - Office S105 Campus Nord


Social Media


BEST is an international association of technical students with a presence in 97 European universities and a total of 33 countries. It aims to promote Europe among students through academic and non-academic courses abroad or through Europe's largest engineering competition.

Requirements to be membership

Being an undergraduate.



Marçal Comajoan Cara

Contact Information

93 413 76 60

C/Jordi Girona Salgado, nº 1-3, C4, Planta 0, Campus Nord, 08034 Barcelona


Social Media


Obtain new knowledge about informatics that is not taught by the university and teach students from a business perspective. Train ourselves in the world of work and develop the ability to innovate and undertake our own projects and also improve our leadership and group management capacity.


We offer services and develop projects for companies with the quality of future engineers at low cost since we are not for profit and we reinvest the profits in activities of the association. We provide courses for students and hire professionals to expand our training.

Requirements to be membership

Be a student at the FIB.

Tecnologia per Tothom


Fermín Sánchez

Contact Information

93 405 41 36

C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3, Building B6 - Campus Nord 08034 Barcelona


Social Media


  • Raise awareness on issues of social commitment, environmental and human development cooperation.
  • Contribute through ICTs to improving the conditions of disadvantaged sectors and places.
  • Promoting social and environmental commitment and responsibility of the university.


  • Support and implementation of development cooperation projects and Inal Project in the field of ICT. (In collaboration with the CCD
  • Reuse Program supplies UPC.
  • Support and development of the Support Network for Reuse of computer equipment (
  • Awareness and social service provision via elective courses.
  • Research on ICT for social justice, and ultimately environmental sustainability.

Associació Cultural FestaFIB


Pau Val Tubau

Contact Information

93 413 75 96

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 Building Omega - Office 102 - Campus Nord


Social Media


Organizing the FIB spring party.


To prepare the FIB Spring celebration.

Requirements to be membership

To be a FIB student.

Associació cultural Fiberparty


Marc Benito Bermúdez

Contact Information

93 413 79 19

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 Building Omega - Office 101 - Campus Nord


Social Media


To organize computer science encounter in which the participants attend with their own computers, to participate in aids and, really, to enjoy days other people who share a same liking: computer science.


Talks, workshops, own projects, hackathons and LanParties.

Requirements to be membership

To be a student of FIB.

L'Oasi. Associació Cultural de la FIB


Wenceslao Chiodi Calo

Contact Information

93 413 76 61

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, Building Omega - Office 103 - Campus Nord



To act as a channel for communication within the FIB by means of a periodical, and occasionally other recreational and cultural activities.


Publishes the OASI magazine.

Requirements to be membership

To be a member of the FIB.

Video Games Association d'estudiants de la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (VGAFIB)


Andrei Valentin Constantin Stefan

Contact Information

93 413 76 59

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, Building Omega - office 104 Campus Nord


Social Media


To carry out activities related to the recreational side of computers. Bring young people to the video game industry by organizing presentations, meetings and, at the same time initiate or complete their knowledge of the sector with a theoretical and practical training.

Requirements to be membership

Being a student of FIB

CEFIB (Club d'Esports de la FIB)


Joan Manel Finestres Baldrich

Contact Information

93 413 76 51

C. Jordi Girona 1-3 Building Omega - office S204 Campus Nord


Social Media


If you like sports and have a team of your favorite sport and want to organize a competition, join FIB sports club CEFIB.


The CEFIB annually organizes various internal competition among the group of students of the FIB. It is also very actively involved in FestaFIB tournaments.

Requirements to be membership

To be a member of the UPC Sports Service

Cercle d’Estudis Orientals (CEO)



Teresa Pilar Pérez

Contact Information

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 Edifici Omega - despatx S102


Social Media


Organize activities that show some oriental culture facets, especially from Japan, Korea and China, such as language, audiovisual expression, music and traditional aspects.

Likewise, to organize social activities to energize the life of UPC’s Campus Nord, with the purpose of exchanging knowledge, promoting ties of union and establishing a dialogue between individuals who share similar concerns.


  • Japanese Animation Projections
  • Asian Cinema Cycles
  • Intensive courses of introduction to the Japanes, Korean and Chinese language and culture
  • Coral Anime CEO
  • Cultural Days
  • Reading Club



Mireia Ollé

Contact Information

Cercle Fiber UPC, Campus Nord, B6 c/Jordi Girona, 1-3 08034 Barcelona


Social Media


FIB Alumni has the will to be a social reference in matters of relating information to technology, and has proved to be a good tool for contacts between FIB entitled professionals(real networking) and a meeting point between people with the same professional concerns.


  • Formation Seminars,
  • TIC meetings,
  • Festibity,
  • lectures,
  • social activities.

Requirements to be membership

Be a FIB entitled, or be a member of the PDI/PAS of the Faculty. Students in the final FIB courses can be junior members.

FIB Visiona


Òscar Barragán

Contact Information

934 13 75 96

Calle Jordi Girona 1 – 3, Edificio Omega, despacho 102. Barcelona, 08034


Social Media


  • Connect FIB students and old students with organizers for TI sector, so that they can find laboral opportunities.
  • Increment FIB and UPC social and bussiness recognizement.
  • Inform and help FIB community in formation, laboral orientation and professional projection.


  • Bussiness Fairs.
  • Workshops and courses
  • Talks and formation workshops, laboral orientation and professional projection. 

Requirements to be membership

  • You need to be linked to the FIB.
  • The endorsement of two members will be necessary.

GreyHat UPC

Grey Hat association logo


Joan Regidor Sanfeliu

Contact Information

C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3 Edifici Omega 08034 Barcelona (Campus Nord UPC)


Social Media


GreyHat UPC is an ethical hacking and cybersecurity association. The aims of the association are as follows:
  • To raise awareness of the dangers of misuse of technology.
  • To organise activities, such as practical workshops or CTF (Capture The Flag), to promote training and education in cybersecurity and ethical hacking.
  • To establish relationships with other similar associations or groups in other educational or professional institutions to exchange information and ideas.


Talks, workshops and constant participation in CTF and cybersecurity practice platforms. Always within a legal framework.


Requirements to be membership

Being a student of UPC.