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Sparsity Technologies presents CIGO!, interactive moblily management tool. Integrating data from virtually any source (mobile apps, sensors, OpenData...) CIGO! allows companies and cities to ultimately improve their impact on the citizens’ quality of life.


inLab FIB has collaborated with SEAT in the development of the Parkfinder App prototype.This prototype is a mobile application that integrates with the SEAT vehicles infotainment system using the mirrorLink protocol. It allows locating parking spots using information facilitated by the iCity European Project Platform through a standard API developed for several cities.

H2020 - BIG IoT

The objective of the BIG IoT project is to ignite really vibrant Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems. We will achieve this by bridging the current interoperability gap between the vertically-oriented IoT platforms and by creating marketplaces for IoT services and applications.

eHealth Eurocampus

The eHealth Eurocampus project, led by the Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean and funded 100% by the European Commission, brings together 9 European partners such as the Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona, the Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, the Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de les Illes Balears and the Fundació Balear d’Innovació i Tecnologia


Descobreix tota la producció Científica dels investigadors de la FIB al portal FUTUR de la UPC

Treballs de fi de grau i màster dels estudiants

Descobreix al portal de coneixement obert de la UPC els projectes duts a terme per estudiants de la FIB 


Estudi bibliomètric elaborat per la Biblioteca Gabriel Ferraté
Estudi comparatiu de la publicació científica en l’àmbit de la informàtica a la UPC vs. altres universitats d’àmbit nacional i internacional