Internship abroad

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Where can I find internships abroad?

Interships offers with ever-open call

AIESEC is a global organization completely managed by students and recent graduates from higher education institutions from all over the world. They have an international platform to offer international internships and voluntary work. Check all the opportunities AIESEC offers.

AIESEC Global Talent presentation

IAESTE is a global organisation that process international and paid internships to students of technical specialisation.

Website to find internships proposed by companies in the Erasmus+ programme:

Website for companies who offer interships, some with the option of doing the degree thesis: entrypark

More information about internships abroad in the International Relations Bureau of the UPC's website.

I you find a company to do an internship, you have to get in touch with the International Relations Area of the FIB by sending a e-mail to to manage your mobility.


Internship offers in academic institutions

Paid interships with the possibility of carrying out the master's thesis at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta,GA - United States). Internships are only recommended for master's students. You will have to stay for one semester at a research lab. A good academic record is required, as well as a high English level. In addition, you will have to pass an interview in English with the FIB vicedean of International Relations. Call in december.
Summer internships at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). They are directed to both bachelor's and master's students. A good academic record is required.

HEIG-VD offers the possibility of realize internships or the TFG/TFM in its research laboratories. Interns will receive a grant equivalent to free housing + payment of basic expenses (CHF 400.- / month)

List of proposed projects For more details about the project you must contact the teacher in question.

The students interested in doing the internship should send an e-mail to with the title of the project of their interested, the CV and the transcript of records.

Summer research fellowship at the ETH Zurich (Suïssa).

Student Summer Research Fellowship: Addressed to both bachelor and master students.

Amgen Scholars Programme: Addressed to bachelor students.

Robotics Student Fellowship: Addressed to master students.

The Grenoble INP offers the possibility of doing an internship or a bachelor’s or master’s thesis at its laboratories. Get in touch with the laboratory where you want to do the internship directly.

Summer internships in Aalto Science Institute (Aalto, Espoo). These internships are dedicated to Bachelor students and require good knowledge of the chosen field. In addition, good English level is required. 3 months contract (1st of June to the 1st of August).

Aalto Science Institute AScI internship programme

The "KAUST Visiting Student Research Internship Program" offers research scolarships for their own university laboratories to last year bachelor students or master students. Scolarships are between 3 and 6 months. 
Check out the scolarships and research projects you can apply for:

Once you have been accepted, contact to begin the administrative procedures for the internship.


Other possibilities

The Stuttgart Technology Center (STC), the largest Sony Research Center outside Japan, is offering different internships. See the offers on the STC website.

The research laboratory IPAL, Image and Pervasive Access Laboratory a French-Singaporean joint research laboratory based in Singapore, is offering different internships. See all the information at IPAL website.

The Centre d'Études Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO) is a research laboratory that belongs to the French Spacial Agency. Consult the offer in their website. For any doubt you could have, contact .

The Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) gives international students the unique opportunity to experience the vibrant scientific environment and work with world-renowned researchers at A*STAR’s Research Entities. Research areas available under SIPGA fall broadly into four categories – Biomedical Sciences (BMS), Physical Sciences (PS), Computing and Information Sciences (CIT), and Engineering and Technology (E&T). Check the list of available projects.

Once you have been accepted, contact to begin the administrative procedures for the internship.


What do I have to do if I already found an internship?

Don't forget to contact the International Relations Office, .

You will have to fill in the Traineeship Agreement thrice (once for you, once for the company and once for the FIB).

If the company is in one of the lands in the Erasmus+ programme (KA103 or KA107) you can, also, request the Erasmus+ Traineeship grant.

The interships may last from 2 to 12 months per study cycle, leaving out the months already taken from previous Erasmus+ calls.

In order to guarantee an adequate coverage in case of an accident or emergency, the UPC outgoing mobility registration incorporates the mandatory subscription of an insurance policy. A compulsory insurance payment will be included in the price of the enrolment. The insurance will cover the whole period of the mobility stay. . When formalizing the enrollment, the certificate of coverage and contact information in case of emergency will be available for the student in the mobility documentation section of the e-Secretaria.

Documentation for traineeships

Before you leave

Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+ (18 ECTS) (GEI/GCED/GIA-TFG, MAI-TFM)

Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+ (18+12 ECTS) (GEI/GCED/GIA-TFG + 12 ECTS traineeship)

Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+ (18+12 ECTS) (MAI-TFM + 12 ECTS traineeship)

Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+ (30 ECTS) (MIRI-TFM, MDS-TFM or MEI-TFM)

Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+ (12 ECTS) (MCYBERS-TFM)

Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+ (12 ECTS curricular internship not associated to Bachelor's thesis)

Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+ (extracurricular internship)


During your stay

Incorporation certificate (you will find the document in your e-secretaria>mobility>mobility stay)


Before you come back

Attendance certificate (you will find the document in your e-secretaria>mobility>mobility stay)

Assesment  (Your supervisor will have to fill out the After the mobility part from your Training Agreement and send it to )

Before you leave

Training Agreement 18 ECTS (GEI/GCED/GIA-TFG, MAI-TFM)

Training Agreement 18+12 ECTS (GEI/GCED/GIA-TFG + 12 ECTS traineeship)

Training Agreement 18+12 ECTS (MAI-TFM + 12 ECTS traineeship)

Training Agreement 30 ECTS (MIRI-TFM, MDS-TFM or MEI-TFM)

Traineeship Agreement (12 ECTS) (MCYBERS-TFM)

Traineeship Agreement (12 ECTS curricular internship not associated to Bachelor's thesis)

Traineeship Agreement (pràctiques no curriculars)


During the traineeship

Before you come back

Attendance certificate

Assesment  (Your supervisor will have to fill out the After the mobility part from your Training Agreement and send it to )


FIB International Relations

(34) 93 401 07 37

Vice-dean for International Relations

(34) 93 401 69 61