IDEAI - Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center

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The Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI) from the UPC, inaugurated on 3rd of April on Campus Nord from Barcelona, is a research center with no walls, integrated by six consolidated research groups, with more than 50 full-time investigators and 150 master students. These groups, of research large tradition, articulate a controlled volume of competitive projects and techonology transeference, valued in a million euros during the last 4 years. The IDEAI-UPC is, nowadays, one of the biggest research centers in IA investigation in Catalonia.

Scientific Production

Take a look at the Website for the scientific production of UPC researchers:


Descobreix tota la producció Científica dels investigadors de la FIB al portal FUTUR de la UPC

Treballs de fi de grau i màster dels estudiants

Descobreix al portal de coneixement obert de la UPC els projectes duts a terme per estudiants de la FIB 


Estudi bibliomètric elaborat per la Biblioteca Gabriel Ferraté
Estudi comparatiu de la publicació científica en l’àmbit de la informàtica a la UPC vs. altres universitats d’àmbit nacional i internacional