Before you leave

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Mobility regulations

You can participate in an academic mobility if you are taking any of the degrees offered by FIB and you meet the requirements:

  • GEI students: Check in the Bachelor's degree mobility regulations the requirements.
  • GCED students: Having passed 180 ECTS of mandatory subjects from the Bachelor.
  • MAI, MEI, MIRI, MCYBERS or MDS students: To request a mobility you should have completed, at least, one semester of your master's degree.

What can you do during your academic stay?

EC = elective credits, SPEC = specialization elective credits, TFG = bachelor's thesis, TFM = master's thesis.

GEI students (maximum 60 ECTS)

42 ECTS (between EC + SPEC)  + 18 ECTS TFG

GCED students (maximum 60 ECTS)


MIRI students (maximum 60 ECTS)

12 ECTS EC + 18 ECTS SPEC (if applicable) + 30 ECTS TFM

MAI students (maximum 30 ECTS)


MEI students (maximum 30 ECTS)


MCYBERS students (maximum 12 ECTS)


MDS students (maximum 60 ECTS)


What do I have to do before I leave?

1. Request a place

Before requesting a mobility place, make sure you meet the requirements to participate.

Check the calls to the various mobility programmes in the mobility calendar to know what the procedure to request a place is and all the relevant information.

To do the place assignment, requesting students will be ranked taking into account the mean grade and the alpha performance parameter of the last two semesters. Mobility places will be assigned in this order according to the preferences stated in your petition and depending on the place availability.

The resolution will be communicated via e-mail.

2. Accept the place

Once you get assigned the mobility place, you will have to accept it through the e-Secretaria (obviously only if you have requested it through the e-Secretaria). Failure to accept before the deadline will imply the resignation of the mobility place.

3. Find the procedure at the host university

Check the website of the host university, find the Exchange or Incoming Students sections and prepare all the required documentation for the academic exchange. If you do not find it, get in touch with the International Relations Area of the destination university and ask what you have to do.

4. Fill in the application form

Fill in the application form of the destination university. You have to send it in before a deadline, which is different for every university.

If you are asked for a transcript of records, send an email to the FIB secretariat requesting an ECTS certificate in English or Spanish depending on the destination.

5. Complete the learning agreement

Check the host university's website what subjects they offer to exchange students. When you have the list of possible subjects to take, you will have to meet with the Vice-dean for International Relations to fill in the learning agreement. It is usually sent together with the application form and the rest of the required documents.

  • Learning Agreement for the Erasmus+ programme (this process is done through the e-secretaria)
  • Learning Agreement for stays outside the Erasmus+ programme

If you take courses:

  • If you want academic recognition for your mobility, all subjects will need to have the authorization of the Vice-dean for International Relations before you send the documentation to the host university.
  • Compulsory or already taken subjects will NEVER be recognised.
  • To do specialization complementary courses, you will need the approval of the specialization coordinator, who will have to sign the relevant document.

Bachelor: Specialization complementary subject approval

Master: Specialization complementary subject approval

If you have to do the TFG or TFM:

  • For both the TFG and TFM you will need the approval of the specialization coordinator, who will have to sign the relevant document.

TFG mobility approval

TFM mobility approval

  • It is better to try to find a director from Barcelona via the mobility coordinator of the host institution.
  • The thesis will be presented there according to the rules of the host university. FIB only need the original transcript of records in which the grade obtained and number of credits have to appear. You will also have to upload the report to the Racó.

If you are requested a transcript of records, you can ask it for free via the e-Secretaria. You should request the ECTS certificate in English.

6. Hand in the acceptance letter

Once you send the application form with the required documentation, you have to wait for the host university to resolve it. If you are accepted, you will be notified with an acceptance letter. You will have to upload it to your e-Secretaria. Check that there are indicated the planned beginning and ending dates.

From there, we will be able to issue your mobility credential depending on the type of mobility programme.

7. Hand in the financial agreement at FIB (only for European destinations of the Erasmus+ programme)

Through the e-Secretaria you can print the financial agreement, which you'll have to sign and hand it at the FIB International Relations Area. The document has to be original.

8. Hand in the Erasmus+ grant request (if relevant)

In the period the Erasmus+ grant call is open, you will find the request procedure in the seu electrònica upc. You will have to upload to your e-Secretaria the receipt that is generated .

9. Hand in the SEPA mandate (for mobilities with a grant)

Those students that apply for a grant must:

1. Inform of a bank account to receive the grant.
-This is a specific account for the mobility grant.
-The account must belong to the student.
-The student must enter the e-secretaria: Mobility/Mobility Stay/General data/bank data (illustrative path) and add the account.

2. Have a valid SEPA mandate.
-This SEPA mandate is the same for the enrolment (not especific for the mobility)
-If you already have it, there is no need to do anything else.
-In case you do not have it, or that it is not valid anymore, you must enter your e-secretaria: My data/bank acounts/Bank acount linked to SEPA mandate (illustrative path), add your data, sign and save the document.
-The account does not need to belong to the student.

Documents you need to hand in at FIB

  • Acceptance letter (e-Secretaria)
  • Learning agreement. Once it is signed by the three parts you will have to upload it to your e-Secretaria.
  • The authorizations of the specialization coordinator, if needed, for complementary subjects of your specialization and/or mobility TFG/TFM
  • A photocopy of your European Health Card
  • Financial agreement, for European destinations of the Erasmus+ programme (original)
  • Mobility credential, for stays in Switzerland or non-European destinations. This document will be issued by us for you to sign it and take a copy with you.
  • SEPA mandate, if needed.

It is essential that FIB keeps a copy or original of these documents, depending on the case, because you won't be able to leave if not.


10. Do the language test (only for stays within the framework of the erasmus + program)

Before the start of your stay you should do the language test. It is highly recommended that you take the exam on the OLS platform and access the online courses that interest you, although it is not mandatory to present proof that you have taken the language test.

Click on this link to see all the information about how to do it.

11. Check the enrolment pre-compromise

According to your academic record and learning agreement previously agreed upon, your enrolment pre-compromise will be generated. You have to check it through the e-Secretaria before you enrol. You should communicate any errors you find because it will be used to prepare your real mobility enrolment.

12. Enrol at FIB

You have to enrol the day and hour you are assigned via the e-Secretaria. Remember that you only pay enrolment at FIB and not at your destination university. Conditions

A compulsory insurance payment will be included in the price of the enrolment. The insurance will cover the whole period of the mobility stay. When formalizing the enrollment, the certificate of coverage and contact information in case of emergency will be available for the student in the mobility documentation section of the e-Secretaria

At the UPC Mobility Office (Telecom square), they will inform you about:

  • Medical coverage/Social Security
  • Visas/Legal status


FIB International Relations

(34) 93 401 07 37

Vice-dean for International Relations

(34) 93 401 69 61