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Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence

The Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence (CAMAI) is composed of the general coordinator of the master’s degree, those in charge at each university and as many members as there are optional subject areas in the curriculum. In any event, there must be at least one member from each of the participating universities, appointed by the corresponding university once the general coordinator and those in charge at each university have been heard. Members are professors on the master’s degree.

The Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree:

  1. Undertakes to establish the criteria for admitting and selecting students, the selection process and the assessment of prior learning, or alternatively it agrees to establish an admissions subcommittee that takes on these functions, in accordance with the provisions of the master’s degree ex ante accreditation report.
  2. Is the custodian of the candidatures for the admission and selection of students and is responsible for complaints procedures.
  3. In the admissions process, it analyses the applications and decides on the candidates admitted through the admissions committe, which is composed of the general coordinator and those in charge at each university. If necessary, the Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree decides on required bridging courses.
  4. Develops a protocol and a plan for disseminating and publicising the master’s degree.
  5. Reports on the conditions of the collaboration agreement.
  6. Sets the annual offer of subjects on the master’s degree, if necessary, based on the proposals of those in charge at each university.
  7. Is responsible for the general functioning of the programme, stimulating and coordinating mobility and analysing the results that guarantee the quality of the master’s degree.
  8. Draws up a plan for the use of shared infrastructure and services that fosters the performance of students, classrooms, teaching facilities, etc.
  9. By analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the master’s degree, it makes proposals for improvement and sets measures for monitoring its implementation.
  10. Establishes the frequency of meetings and the decision-making system to reach the corresponding agreements and sets up the specific committees or subcommittees that it deems appropriate.
  11. Ensures that the obligations, duties and commitments arising from the content of the agreement are properly fulfilled.
  12. Decides on aspects of teaching that are not regulated by legal provisions or universities’ regulations.
  13. Promotes all joint activities that enhance the interuniversity nature of the master’s degree.



General Coordinator

  • Ulises Cortés

Internal Managers

  • Facultat de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de Barcelona: Simone Balocco
  • Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: Oscar Romero Moral
  • Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili: Domènec Savi Puig Valls

Members (May 2022)

  • Computational Intelligence: Àngela Nebol Castells (UPC)
  • Professional Practices: Javier Vázquez Salceda (UPC)
  • Human-Computer Interaction: Jordi Turmo Borras (UPC)
  • Multi-Agent Systems: Maite López Sánchez (UB)
  • Modelling, Reasoning, & Problem Solving: Javier Larrosa Bondia (UPC)
  • Knowledge Engineering & Machine Level: Aïda Valls Mateu (URV)
  • Vision, Perception and Robotics: Albert Oller Pujol (URV)