Posting offers

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The posting offers will not be operational from July 26 to September 1, 2024, inclusive.

If the offer you want to publish is addressed to FIB students we recommend review before the regulations of  Educational cooperation agreements, in case it is more suitable offer it as an industrial practise offer. 

Basic rules

  • We will not publish offers that
    • Are not from the computer field.
    • Demand a money invest from candidates.
    • Comes from "Pyramid" companies or "piràmide" or multilevel business
    • Include text in CAPITAL LETTERS.
    • Include contact mails with code.
    • Don't indentify the final COMPANY and the WORKPLACE
    • Containing URL
  • We will delete the weblinks and/or emails that are outside their specific fields.

This rules can be modified in every moment without previous notice.