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Boltzmann Machines are probabilistic models developed in 1985 by D.H. Ackley, G.E. Hinton and T.J. Sejnowski. In 2006, Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) were used in the pre-training step of several successful deep learning models, leading to a new renaissance of neural networks and artificial intelligence. In spite of their nice mathematical formulation, there are a number of issues that are hard to compute. This project aims to address any of these issues.

Quantum computers promise exponential improvements over conventional ones due to the extraordinary properties of qubits. However, quantum computing faces many challenges relative to the scaling of the algorithms and of the computers that run them. This thesis delves into these challenges and proposes solutions to create scalable quantum computing systems.

Recent advances in the field of Reinforcement Learning (DRL) are rising a lot of attention due to its potential for automatic control and automatization. Breakthroughs from academia and the industry (e.g, Stanford, DeepMind and OpenAI) are demonstrating that DRL is an effective technique to face complex optimization problems with many dimensions and non-linearities. However, to train a DRL agent in large optimization scenarios still remains a challenge due to the computational intensive operations during backpropagation.

This project aims to analyze the prediction capability of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) images for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Diabetic Retinopathy (DR,) in a large high-quality image dataset from previous research projects carried out in the field of Ophthalmology (Fundacio¿ La Marato¿ TV3, Fondo Investigaciones Sanitarias, FIS). OCTA is a newly developed, non-invasive, retinal imaging technique that permits adequate delineation of the perifoveal vascular network. It allows the detection of paramacular areas of capillary non perfusion and/or enlargement of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ), representing an excellent tool for assessment of DR.

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This project is dedicated to ensuring the benefits of AI-based systems in healthcare are balanced with the rigorous data protection standards mandated. Our commitment to careful planning, robust technical controls, and a human-centric approach is a must, ensuring that our approach leverages AI-based systems while safeguarding individuals' privacy.

Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a rare hereditary disease that predisposes to sudden cardiac death. The only risk marker is the presence of symptoms. In asymptomatic individuals with a typical electriocardiogram, an electrophysiological study can be performed, but is an invasive procedure. Therefore, the precise identification of patient at a high risk of BrS is a clinical priority. This project proposes the use of NLP and ML/DL techniques for the identification of BrS risk from the information in the Electronic Health Records of the patients.

We want to demonstrate experimentally that augmenting a model with fNIRS data carries neural activity features complementing the information captured by the model and demonstrate that it improves the models' performance. To this end, we will have to collect data from participants and test how different Transformer models benefit from different types of fNIRS attention masks.

Vision, Perception and Robotics. Assistive Technologies

L'objectiu del projecte consisteix en classificar un conjunt d'espècies a partir d'imatges reals d'ocells. S'estudiaran diferents solucions basades en característiques locals i/o deep learning.

Human-Computer Interaction Modelling, Reasoning and Problem Solving Vision, Perception and Robotics. Assistive Technologies

Aquest projecte de final de grau té com a objectiu desenvolupar un programari per calcular Regions de Contacte Independents (ICRs) que permetin immobilitzar objectes articulats en 3D. Utilitzant un model de núvol de punts amb direccions normals a la superfície, el programari garantirà la fixació de l'objecte independentment de la posició exacta del contacte. Es basarà en coneixements de cinemàtica i jacobià de robots, i s'implementarà en C++ o Python, ampliant mètodes existents per objectes 2D articulats i 3D sòlids.

Recent advancements in nanotechnology have enabled the concept of the "Human Intranet", where devices inside and on our body can sense and communicate, opening the door to multiple exciting applications in the healthcare domain. This thesis aims to delve into the computing, communication, and localization aspects of the "Human Intranet" and how to practically realize them in the next decade.

S'ofereix una beca d'iniciació a la recerca de 20 hores/setmana amb un salari aprox. de 600 Euros/mes per realitzar el TFM en el marc del projecte GRAPHSEC.

Human-Computer Interaction Data Science and Computational Intelligence Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Vision, Perception and Robotics. Assistive Technologies

In the proposed project, we are interested in the mobile setting, and propose the use of depth information, on top of the usual RGB (Red, Green, Blue) pixel data acquired by mobile device cameras, to track and quantify visual attention.

Human-Computer Interaction Data Science and Computational Intelligence Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Vision, Perception and Robotics. Assistive Technologies

We want to demonstrate experimentally that augmenting a model with eye tracking (ET) data carries linguistic features complementing the information captured by the model and demonstrate that it improves the models' performance. To this end, we will have to collect data from participants and test how different Transformer models benefit from different types of ET attention masks.

The goal of the project consists in the design of off-line RL algorithms that leverage knowledge about the symmetry of the environment and system, and to obtain better policies with fewer data.

This thesis aims to explore the possibilities of the new and less studied variant of neural networks called Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). While convolutional networks are good for computer vision or recurrent networks are good for temporal analysis, GNNs are able to learn and model graph-structured relational data, with huge implications in fields such as quantum chemistry, computer networks, or social networks among others.

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