Qualification assessment

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The life cycle of a degree in the EHEA area is made up of a series of evaluation processes: the initial verification, the follow-up of the implementation, the introduction of possible modifications and the accreditation. The degree supervision framework (VSMA Framework for the ex-ante assessment, monitoring, modification and accreditation) of AQU (Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency), and how the UPC has implemented it in its centres and degrees is available to view.

In the particular case of FIB, these processes have been carried out completely for the Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering (GEI) and for the three masters (MEI, MIRI, MAI). These three master's degrees and the GEI represent the start of verified FIB degrees in the EHEA area (based on the initial verification reports and the first follow-up reports).

From 2016, the FIB also coordinates another master's degree (MSEC) that began its cycle with a verification report and a first accreditation report outside the FIB. Nevertheless, the 2017 monitoring process and the re-accreditation during 2018-2019 is been carried out under the FIB IQAS.

The Bachelor Degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED) has begun its cycle with the initial verification report and its implementation during the academic year 2017-2018.

The current status of all FIB degrees can be viewed from this link, and the access to their specific status is the Registro de Universidades, Centros y Titulos (in English, “Register of Higher Education Institutions and Degrees”). As for the outcomes and seals of AQU, they are available from the EUC portal. Concerning the historical outcomes of all degrees reports, they can be viewed from EUC-reports.

Register of Higher Education Institutions and Degrees (RUCT)


Validation (ex-ante assessment)

The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya) has full legal authority and the technical expertise to issue ex-ante accreditation reports for the validation of recognised degree courses in Catalonia.

Once a degree course has been validated, authorisation by the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) is necessary in order for it to be introduced, in accordance with programming criteria and funding availability. The final stage is official recognition by the Council of Ministers, following which the degree is entered in the Register of Higher Education Institutions and Degrees (RUCT).



In accordance with the prevailing legal framework, registered degrees must be monitored by a quality assurance agency, using the available public information, until such time they are reviewed for the purposes of accreditation renewal.

Since the 2013-2014 academic year, the monitoring reports have been integrated into the FIB's annual reports (in Catalan).



Proposals to modify titles are the result of the monitoring process.



Accreditation is the establishment, by way of a site visit, that the study programme is being delivered as planned according to validation (the ex ante accreditation stage).


Degree accreditation process

Degree accreditation process during 2022-2023

In the VSMA framework for the quality of university degree, GCED studies is in the process of renewing their accreditation.

A fundamental element of this procedure is the preparation of the Accreditation Report by the centre. This report is the result of the work carried out by the Internal Accreditation Panel, especially by the executive members of the degree, the management teams and the administrative and service staff responsible for the internal quality assurance system of the FIB, ETSETB and FME.

The report must be public throughout the community, who will be able to send their comments and proposals before the final approval to the governing bodies of the School.

Accreditation Report of the GCED degree.

The public display period in which we will receive your comments is open until 19 December 2022 at 12 pm through the following form:

 Form (in Catalan)(you must access your GSuite UPC account)

If necessary, you can contact 


  • From 9 to 19 December. Public display of the Accreditation Report
  • 21 December. Approval of the report by the Standing Committee of the FIB
  • 21 December. Delivery of the report to GPAQ (Planning, Assessment and Quality Bureau) and AQU Catalunya (Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency)


Degree accreditation process during 2020-2021

In the VSMA framework for the quality of university degrees, the GEI, MEI, MIRI and  MAI studies are in the process of renewing their accreditation as well as the European Euro-Inf quality labels.

A fundamental element of this procedure is the preparation of the Accreditation Report by the centre. This report is the result of the work carried out by the Internal Accreditation Panel, especially by the dean’s staff and the administrative and service staff responsible for the internal quality assurance system.

The report must be public throughout the community, who will be able to send their comments and proposals before the final approval to the governing bodies of the School.

Accreditation Report of the GEI, MEI, MIRI and MAI degrees.


Degree accreditation process during 2018-2019

In 2018, a new accreditation process for the FIB relating to the mandatory re-accreditation of the MSEC master's degree began. The re-accreditation report was made public, and was approved by the Standing Committee on 24 October 2018.

In 2019, the visit of the External Evaluation Committee (CAE) took place on Friday 26 April. Its organisation and programme is available here.

Degree accreditation process during 2015-2016-2017

In 2015, the Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering (GEI) and three of the master's degrees (MAI, MEI and MIRI) began the accreditation process with the preparation of a self-report (SAR, Self-Assessment Report) approved by the Faculty Board on 2 December 2015. The self-report concerned the accreditation by AQU as well as the international accreditation of the Euro-Inf label through the ASIIN agency for the GEI, MEI and MIRI degrees. In the particular case of MAI, it was decided to accredit an additional dimension of internationalisation of AQU.

In May 2016, the External Evaluation Committee (EAC) came to visit. The analysis of this committee (with representatives of both the Catalan quality agency AQU and the German ASIIN) led to the final version of the self-report. Between October and November, positive accreditation reports were received, both from AQU (with mention of excellence for the GEI, MAI and MIRI) and from ASIIN (factsheet and accreditation report of the Euro-Inf label at GEI, MEI and MIRI).

In May 2017, the visit of the External Evaluation Committee (EAC) took place in order to evaluate the additional internationalisation dimension of MAI, getting the accreditation of this dimension on 2 August 2017.

In 2017, the mandatory monitoring process of the MSEC master's degree was also carried out.


Internacionalisation MAI
Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering (GEI)
Bachelor Degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED)
Bachelor Degree in Artificial Intelligence (GIA)
Master in Informatics Engineering (MEI)
Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI)
Master in Artificial Intelligence (MAI)
Master in Data Science (MDS)
Euro-inf GEI
Euro-inf Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering