The curriculum of the Bachelor Degree in Artificial Intelligence was approved by the School Board on 1 July 2020. It is compliant with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and its academic load is 240 ECTS:
Grau universitari públic de quatre anys. Consta de 240 crèdits ECTS estructurats en vuit Semesters de 30 crèdits. La durada total dels estudis és de 4 anys. Durant els tres primers anys es cursen assignatures obligatòries i el quart any es poden fer assignatures optatives, mobilitat internacional o pràctiques a empresa. Finalment, els estudis es completen amb el Treball de Fi de Grau.
The figure below shows how the curriculum for the Degree in Artificial Intelligence is divided up.
The figure below shows a breakdown of compulsory subjects by semester.
Optional subjects are taken in the 7th and 8th semesters. A total amount of 42 ECTS credits must be obtained from a combination of any of the following activities:
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