Transversal Competences
Capacity for knowing and understanding a business organization and the science that rules its activity, capability to understand the labour rules and the relationships between planning, industrial and commercial strategies, quality and profit. Capacity for developping creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation trend.
Capability to know and understand the complexity of the typical economic and social phenomena of the welfare society. Capacity for being able to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact.
Capacity of being able to work as a team member, either as a regular member or performing directive activities, in order to help the development of projects in a pragmatic manner and with sense of responsibility; capability to take into account the available resources.
Capability to manage the acquisition, structuring, analysis and visualization of data and information in the area of informatics engineering, and critically assess the results of this effort.
Capability to be motivated by professional achievement and to face new challenges, to have a broad vision of the possibilities of a career in the field of informatics engineering. Capability to be motivated by quality and continuous improvement, and to act strictly on professional development. Capability to adapt to technological or organizational changes. Capacity for working in absence of information and/or with time and/or resources constraints.
Capacity for critical, logical and mathematical reasoning. Capability to solve problems in their area of study. Capacity for abstraction: the capability to create and use models that reflect real situations. Capability to design and implement simple experiments, and analyze and interpret their results. Capacity for analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and capacity for solving problems in new or unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
Ability to integrate knowledges and handle the complexity of making judgments based on information which, being incomplete or limited, includes considerations on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
Capability to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to both skilled and unskilled public in a clear and unambiguous way.
Possession of the learning skills that enable the students to continue studying in a way that will be mainly self-directed or autonomous.
Generic Technical Competences
Capability to apply the scientific method to study and analyse of phenomena and systems in any area of Computer Science, and in the conception, design and implementation of innovative and original solutions.
Capability to lead, plan and supervise multidisciplinary teams.
Capacity for mathematical modeling, calculation and experimental designing in technology and companies engineering centers, particularly in research and innovation in all areas of Computer Science.
Capacity for general and technical management of research, development and innovation projects, in companies and technology centers in the field of Informatics Engineering.
Capability to apply innovative solutions and make progress in the knowledge to exploit the new paradigms of computing, particularly in distributed environments.
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Capability to understand and know how to apply current and future technologies for the design and evaluation of interactive graphic applications in three dimensions, either when priorizing image quality or when priorizing interactivity and speed, and to understand the associated commitments and the reasons that cause them.
Capability to understand and know how to apply current and future technologies for the evaluation, implementation and operation of virtual and / or increased reality environments, and 3D user interfaces based on devices for natural interaction.
Ability to integrate the technologies mentioned in CEE1.2 and CEE1.1 skills with other digital processing information technologies to build new applications as well as make significant contributions in multidisciplinary teams using computer graphics.
Capability to understand models, problems and algorithms related to distributed systems, and to design and evaluate algorithms and systems that process the distribution problems and provide distributed services.
Capability to understand models, problems and algorithms related to computer networks and to design and evaluate algorithms, protocols and systems that process the complexity of computer communications networks.
Capability to understand models, problems and mathematical tools to analyze, design and evaluate computer networks and distributed systems.
Capability to identify computational barriers and to analyze the complexity of computational problems in different areas of science and technology as well as to represent high complexity problems in mathematical structures which can be treated effectively with algorithmic schemes.
Capability to use a wide and varied spectrum of algorithmic resources to solve high difficulty algorithmic problems.
Capability to understand the computational requirements of problems from non-informatics disciplines and to make significant contributions in multidisciplinary teams that use computing.
Capability to analyze, evaluate and design computers and to propose new techniques for improvement in its architecture.
Capability to analyze, evaluate, design and optimize software considering the architecture and to propose new optimization techniques.
Capability to analyze, evaluate, design and manage system software in supercomputing environments.
Capability to participate in improvement projects or to create service systems, providing in particular: a) innovation and research proposals based on new uses and developments of information technologies, b) application of the most appropriate software engineering and databases principles when developing information systems, c) definition, installation and management of infrastructure / platform necessary for the efficient running of service systems.
Capability to apply obtained knowledge in any kind of service systems, being familiar with some of them, and thorough knowledge of eCommerce systems and their extensions (eBusiness, eOrganization, eGovernment, etc.).
Capability to work in interdisciplinary engineering services teams and, provided the necessary domain experience, capability to work autonomously in specific service systems.
Ability to apply scientific methodologies in the study and analysis of phenomena and systems in any field of Information Technology as well as in the conception, design and implementation of innovative and original computing solutions.
Capacity for mathematical modelling, calculation and experimental design in engineering technology centres and business, particularly in research and innovation in all areas of Computer Science.
Ability to apply innovative solutions and make progress in the knowledge that exploit the new paradigms of Informatics, particularly in distributed environments.
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