Standing Committee

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Is the executive and permanent representative of the School Board.

Composition (December 2021)


  • Dean: Josep Fernandez Ruzafa
  • Academic secretary: Enric Morancho Llena
  • Vice-dean/GEI Director of studies: Lídia Montero Mercadé
  • Vice-dean/GEI Director of Initial-Stage Courses: Gemma Sesé Castel
  • Vice-dean/GBI Director of studies: Marta Casanellas Rius
  • Vice-dean for Postgraduate Courses: Oscar Romero Moral
  • Vice-dean for Promotion and Communications: Enric X. Martín Rull
  • Vice-dean for International Relations: Anna Rio Doval
  • Vice-dean for University-Bussines Relations: René Serral Gracià
  • Head of the Cross-cutting Management Unit: Sara Pérez Rodríguez
  • Head of the Academic Office: José Manuel Diéguez Pérez
  • Head of the Institutional Support and External Relations Unit: Rosa Anglès Ruiz
  • Academic Management Officer: Carme Alcalà Val


Teaching and research staff (PDI) representative before the dean

  • AC: Josep Llosa Espuny
  • CS: Guillem Godoy Balil
  • EIO: Pau Fonseca Casas
  • ESAII: Joan Climent Vilaró
  • ESSI: Enric Mayol Sarroca
  • FIS: Romualdo Pastor Satorras
  • M: Fernando Martínez Sáez
  • OE: Joan Carles Gil Martín



  • Daniel Jiménez González
  • Ferran Sabaté Garriga


  • Antonia Soler Cervera

PDI Departaments

Computer Architecture
  • Juan José Costa Prats
Computer Science
  • Albert Oliveras Llunell
Service and Information System Engineering
  • Carme Quer Bosor

Administrative Staff

  • Anna Casas Casademunt
  • Montserrat Jándula Congost


  • Marcos Roca Voltá
  • Miquel Rodríguez Sansaloni
  • Àlex Rubio i Quintana
  • Yiqi Zheng Shan
  • vacancy