Academic calendars 2024-2025

The academic calendars belonging to the 2024-2025 courses are already available.


Internship Agreements

Do you want to do an internship in a company? Consult the different modalities, requirements and conditions for internships.

Registration 2024-2025 Fall semester

The calendar for the fall semester's registrations has already been published, these registrations will begin on the 9th of July.


Due to the summer vacations, the administrative services of the FIB will be closed. Check which services and on which days they will be open.

On Friday, 12th of July the graduation ceremony for the students of the Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED) took place in the ETSEIB auditorium.

The academic year 2024-2025 begins at the FIB on September 9th. During the month of September, welcome events will be held for undergraduate and master's students, as well as orientation for exchange students.


Amazon ofereix al llarg de tres anys un ajut de 18.000 € a una estudiant d’electrònica, telecomunicació o informàtica que compleixi amb els requisits demanats.

Se't recompensarà amb 2 ECTS(*), un 20% de bonificació al teu ordre de matrícula i un curs de formació amb tècniques que podràs posar en pràctica durant les classes.

NTT DATA offers aid for the enrollment costs of a master's degree taught at the FIB

Are you a graduate in FIB? Are you interested in studying the Master MIRI? The Computer Architecture Department offers two grants in memory of Professor Nacho Navarro.

Allianz offers scholarships for undergraduate and master's degree tuition fees at the FIB.

Seidor offers one scholarship to FIB master students.

The enrolment for the fall semester of the academic year 2024-2025, starts on 9th of July 9 and it will be online for all students.

Call for participation to all FIB graduates from the 1991-92 academic year.

Ajut econòmic del Banc Santander per estudiants matriculats durant el curs 2024/2025 i beneficiaris de la beca general del Ministeri d'Educació.


Thu 05 Sep
 10:00 - 12:00
  Sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober
Fri 06 Sep
 10:00 - 11:30
  Sala d'actes Manuel Martí Recober

Request an appointment

If you are required to fulfill any formalities related to degrees, master's programs, internships within a company, institutional matters, or engage in discussions with the vice-deans and/or head of studies, etc.

Should you need to visit the FIB administration in person, kindly request an appointment!



Request an appointment


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