Data Science

Note: This specialization is currently being discontinued, it has been replaced by Master in Data Science

Note: this specialization was formerly known as Data Mining and Business Intelligence


The master’s degree equips graduates with solid knowledge and hands-on experience in techniques for managing, analyzing and extracting hidden knowledge from structured and unstructured big data ensembles and in building adaptive analytic systems that are able to exploit that knowledge in modern organizations. In particular, the master’s degree addresses the new challenges of the smart society boom: fraud detection, bioinformatics, information extraction from linked open data, real time analysis of sensor data and social networks, and customer relationship management.


The specialization in Data Science is aimed at students from all over the world. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or related fields, as well as a good level of English, and they must be motivated to discover knowledge from data in the fascinating world of sciences and technologies.


Specialization coordinator

Person Department Email
Romero Moral, Oscar ESSI

Specialization teachers

Person Department Email
Abello Gamazo, Alberto ESSI
Arias Vicente, Marta CS
Balcázar Navarro, Jose Luis CS
Belanche Muñoz, Luis Antonio CS
Bilalli, Besim ESSI
Castellano Palomino, Marta Janira EIO
Castro Pérez, Jordi EIO
Delicado Useros, Pedro EIO
Eguiguren Huerta, Marcos OE
Ferrer Cancho, Ramon CS
Heredia Cervera, F. Javier EIO
Jovanovic, Petar ESSI
König, Caroline CS
Martín Muñoz, Mario CS
Medina Herrera, Salvador CS
Nadal Francesch, Sergi ESSI
Padro Cirera, Lluis CS
Puig Oriol, Xavier EIO
Rafieian, Bardia CS
Rodríguez Pereira, Jessica EIO
Romero Moral, Oscar ESSI
Sánchez Espigares, Jose Antonio EIO
Valiente Feruglio, Gabriel CS
Vellido Alcacena, Alfredo CS


Specialization compulsory subjects

Specialization complementary subjects


Master's Thesis
Mandatory Common Course


Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Seminar activities

The activities to obtain the SIRI credits can be done in any semester of the master's degree. Consult the detail of the seminars.

Specialization Elective