Degree final project

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The Degree Final Project (TFG) is due to be completed in the eighth semester. It is worth 18 ECTS credits, 3 of them are awarded after completing the thesis management course and 15 correspond to the workload of the thesis. It may be undertaken at the FIB, in a company (in Spain or abroad) or at another university (in Spain or abroad).

The FIB signed numerous agreements with companies and universities abroad that enable students to complete their Degree Final Project.

TFG Assessment

Assessment of cross-disciplinary competences shall be done on the basis of the criteria listed in bachelor's thesis assessment rubrics, as well as start, follow-up and end indicators.

Student's guide

The FIB published a guide for students, containing a set of questions that the student should consider at every step of the evaluation

Sustainability Analysis

A chapter of the thesis should contain a sustainability analysis of the project. Recommendationsexplanatory videos and the sustainability report examples: AKMA and inventarios.

To make your TFG you will find helpfull this link 6 steps to make your TFG / TFM a success.

Thesis management course

1. Registration

Students may register for the bachelor’s thesis after having passed all common compulsory subjects and at least three of the compulsory subjects for their specialisation.Registration process is handled via the Racó, on a new tab only intended for students who meet the requirements to begin the thesis. The registration must be accepted by the thesis supervisor or by the internal examiner, and by the head of the specialisation.

The thesis must be related to the bachelor’s degree specialisation in which the student is enrolled, and the proposal must specify the technical competences of the specialisation that will be developed while doing the project.

Registration period

1st semester: Tuesday 05 September 2023 a Thursday 01 February 2024 - 23:59

2on semester: Saturday 10 February 2024 a Thursday 11 July 2024 - 23:59


2. Enrolment of degree final project

Students may enrol for the degree final project after having passed all compulsory subjects, including both common and specialisation subjects, provided that its registration has been accepted by the head of especialisation.

The degre final project is worth 18 ECTS credits, 3 of them are awarded after completing the degre final project management course and 15 correspond to the workload of the project.

Additional Enrolment

The additional enrolment is valid until extraordinary period of the 2023/24-Q1 academic year if the enrolment has been formalized in the second semester of the 2022/23-Q2 academic year.

The additional enrolment is valid until extraordinary period of the 2023/24-Q2 academic year if the enrolment has been formalized in the second semester of the 2023/24-Q1 academic year.


3. Degree final project (TFG) management course and initial assessment

The TFG management course is a blended learning course related to the TFG which is taught in a four-week period at the beginning of the semester.


Once you enrol in the TFG, you are automatically enrolled in the GEP.

The course is aimed at helping students to plan and schedule the work involved in order to complete their bachelor's thesis. Students must produce a report setting out their objectives, work schedule, the scope of the thesis, etc. Students must give an oral presentation of this report to fulfil the academic requirements of the thesis management course. The course will not involve face-to-face sessions, with the exception of this presentation, which in exceptional cases may be made by videoconference.


Guide of Management course 


The presentation shall be assessed by the thesis supervisor and by the course teaching staff on the basis of a rubric, and its qualification shall be part of the final mark for the thesis. Within the framework of this assessment, students must also choose a date for a follow-up meeting with their thesis supervisor.

Rubric for the initial page (assessment of the thesis management course presentation)


4. Choose date for the oral defense

Much choose date for the oral defense before the deadline indicated for each time.

If the defense of the Degree Final Project does not take place during the semester in which it has been enrolled, the student can apply for an additional enrolment in the next semester or for a regular enrolment later on. In the additional enrolment procedure only administrative services shall be paid. Regular enrolment involves full payment, with the surcharge for repetition.


Deadline for choosing date

Ordinary period

  • TFG enrolled in the 1st semester: Friday 20 December 2024
  • TFG enrolled in the 2nd semester: Friday 23 May 2025

Extraordinary period

  • TFG enrolled in the 1st semester: Friday 11 April 2025
  • TFG enrolled in the 2nd semester: Friday 20 September 2024


5. Follow up meeting

A meeting must be held on the date agreed at the initial stage in order to monitor project’s progress. Students must prepare a report to be submitted to the thesis supervisor/internal examiner.

This report shall be assessed by using a rubric and its qualificaction will be taken into account in determining the final mark.

It is essential that the student participates in the follow up meeting with the supervisor/internal examiner so that the TFG could be completed according to the planned schedule. Otherwise, a panel will not be assigned  and the TFG defense will not be possible.


Rubric for assessment at the follow-up stage

Deadline for the follow up meeting

Ordinary period

  • TFG enrolled in the 1st semester: Friday 20 December 2024
  • TFG enrolled in the 2nd semester: Friday 23 May 2025

Extraordinary period

  • TFG enrolled in the 1st semester: Friday 11 April 2025
  • TFG enrolled in the 2nd semester: Friday 20 September 2024


6. Submission of a copy of the thesis report

Students who have completed the work on their bachelor’s thesis must deliver a copy of the thesis report at least one week before the defence. The thesis report shall be validated by the supervisor/internal examiner via the Racó, and it shall be automatically made available to the members of the panel.


7. Oral Defence

Students shall defend their thesis in an oral examination, in a public session before a panel composed of examiners from within their specialisation. The panel shall be appointed, and the list of examiners made public, at least 15 days before the defence date. The panel shall comprise three senior FIB lecturers, who shall serve as the chair, secretary and panel member. Each panel of examiners shall be formed for a particular specialisation. The panels shall act twice each semester: in the middle of the first semester, and at the end of the second semester.

The final mark awarded for the bachelor’s thesis shall be calculated from the mark for the defence (which is calculated on the basis of a rubric), the mark for the initial assessment and the mark awarded at the follow-up stage.

Rubric for the final stage (oral defence of the thesis).

Període ordinari

  • TFG enrolled in the 1st semester: Monday 20 January 2025 a Friday 24 January 2025
  • TFG enrolled in the 2nd semester: Wednesday 25 June 2025 a Tuesday 01 July 2025

Període extraordinari

  • TFG enrolled in the 1st semester: Monday 12 May 2025 a Friday 16 May 2025
  • TFG enrolled in the 2nd semester: Monday 21 October 2024 a Friday 25 October 2024

Award FIB Alumni to the best Final Project Degree


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