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Sparsity Technologies presents CIGO!, interactive moblily management tool. Integrating data from virtually any source (mobile apps, sensors, OpenData...) CIGO! allows companies and cities to ultimately improve their impact on the citizens’ quality of life.

Sparsity Technologies, the spin-off of the Data Management (DAMA-UPC) research group, presented the CIGO! platform at the Mobile World Congress 2017. This is a smart mobility platform based on graph technology that includes a WebApp and a mobile application. The WebApp transforms decisions on mobility into actions that are sent to the mobile application so that the final user can execute these decisions without needing any other device (for example, GPS). This technology can be used to implement mobility policies in real-time that help to increase the operational efficiency of companies and cities, as well as people’s quality of life. 

Graph-Based Mobility

CIGO! represents all maps as graphs where each node contains information about its real position. Edges connect the nodes and contain information about distance and time required to travel from one point to another. If one edge is under the influence of a handicapped zone such as a high-traffic congestion area, the weight of this particular edge will increase and it will make it less likely to be eligible as a suitable option route.

CIGO! uses Sparksee, our own high-performance graph database, that allows fast and efficient analytics with offline GPS tracking.

Making routes smarter with OpenData

CIGO! uses OpenData to enrich the route optimisation process by incorporating all the data available to its analysis. The platform receives public data like events, traffic intensity, noise and air pollution information… Thanks to this CIGO! not just finds the shortest or cheapest route from point A to point B, but finds the smarter route being aware of what is going on in the city.

Technology background

CIGO Web app uses FIWARE platform architecture. FIWARE is a middleware platform, driven by the European Union for the development and global deployment of applications for Future Internet.


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