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Check all the open calls for Awards and Competitions at the FIB and the UPC.

NTT DATA awards to the best records

final academic of Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering (GEI)

NTT DATA awards the GEI student with the best academic records. These awards are awarded in the FIB's Academic Ceremony and consist in an economic reward of 1.000 euros.

Initial Phase of Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering (GEI)

NTT DATA awards two students of the GEI with the best academic records of the Initial Phase. These awards are awarded in the FIB's Welcome Ceremony and consist in an economic reward of 1.000 euros to the first best academic record and 500 euros to the second best academic record.

FIB Alumni awards

best Degree Final Project

FIB’s Alumni Association awards the best Degree Final Project (TFG). This award is awarded in the FIB's Academic Ceremony and consist in an economic reward of 1.000 euros to the student with the best TFG.

Bases de la convocatòria (catalan version)

 best Halfway Stage in the degree

This award is an acknowledgment made by FIB Alumni, to the Bachelor in Computer Engineering with the best academic record of the second year. The delivery is made during the Welcome Event of the FIB and entails an economic grant of 1,000 euros for the awarded student.

David Riaño Ramos-Fractus award

best Master thesis of the MAI

This award is an acknowledgment made by the Academic Committee of the interuniversity Master in Artificial Intelligence UPC-URV-UB. The award entails an economic grant of 1,000 euros for the awarded student.

Bases of the call


The scholarship is part of the joint doctoral degree between the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Politecnico di Torino.

N3Cat offers several scholarships for MIRI students interested in communications, nanotechnology and/or computer architecture.

The CBA research group has recently started a specific division in the area of AI applied to Computer Networks.

If you are searching for a 2 years scholarship grants, ARCO is looking for a student to join the group to carry out their Master thesis in leading edge research projects.