CNDS - Computer Networks and Distributed Systems

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The Computer Networks and Distributed Systems research group (CNDS) is formed by professors of the Department of Computer Architecture. It is divided in two subgroups: the Statistical Analysis of Networks and Systems (SANS) and the Distributed Systems Group (DSG).

The SANS group focuses its research on the capture and statistical analysis of data from Internet of Things devices, applied to different areas such as environmental supervision, smart cities or the analysis of mobility patterns. On the other hand, the DSG works on large scale and centralized community networks and community clouds, on economic oriented distributed systems, particularly on resource allocation mechanisms for grid and peer-to-peer, on decentralised systems applied to Ambient Networks and on applications supporting cooperative learning (CSCL).

Scientific Production

Take a look at the Website for the scientific production of UPC researchers:


Descobreix tota la producció Científica dels investigadors de la FIB al portal FUTUR de la UPC

Treballs de fi de grau i màster dels estudiants

Descobreix al portal de coneixement obert de la UPC els projectes duts a terme per estudiants de la FIB 


Estudi bibliomètric elaborat per la Biblioteca Gabriel Ferraté
Estudi comparatiu de la publicació científica en l’àmbit de la informàtica a la UPC vs. altres universitats d’àmbit nacional i internacional