School Board

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The School Board, chaired by dean, is the governing body of the School.

Composition (Desember 2023)


  • Dean: Josep Fernandez Ruzafa
  • Academic secretary: Enric Morancho Llena
  • Vice-dean/GEI Director of studies: Lídia Montero Mercadé
  • Vice-dean/GEI Director of Initial-Stage Courses: Gemma Sesé Castel
  • Vice-dean/GBI Director of studies: Marta Casanellas Rius
  • Vice-dean for Postgraduate Courses: Oscar Romero Moral
  • Vice-dean for Promotion and Communications: Enric X. Martín Rull
  • Vice-dean for Quality: Ramon Sangüesa Solé
  • Vice-dean for International Relations: Anna Rio Doval
  • Vice-dean for Univertsity-Business Relations: René Serral Gracià
  • Head of the Cross-cutting Management Unit: Sara Pérez Rodríguez
  • Head of the Academic Office: José Manuel Diéguez Pérez
  • Head of the Institutional Support and External Relations Unit: Rosa Anglès Ruiz

Teaching and research staff (PDI) representative before the dean

  • AC: Josep Llosa Espuny 
  • CS: Guillem Godoy Balil
  • EIO: Pau Fonseca Casas 
  • ESAII: Joan Climent Vilaró
  • ESSI: Enric Mayol Sarroca 
  • FIS: Romualdo Pastor Satorras
  • M: Fernando Martínez Sáez
  • OE: Joan Carles Gil Martín

Student delegate (june 2024)

  • Francisco Javier Costa Ferrer-Vidal



  • Carme Àlvarez i Faura
  • Carlos Andújar Gran
  • Ramon Canal Corretger
  • Mercè Mora Giné
  • Jordi Petit Silvestre
  • Maria José Serna Iglesias
  • Ernest Teniente López
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PDI-A Departaments

Computer Architecture
  • José M. Barceló Ordinas
  • Jordi Domingo Pascual
  • Agustín Fernández Jiménez
  • David López Álvarez
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Computer Science
  • Carlos A. Andújar Gran
  • M. Josep Blesa Aguilera
  • Antonio Chica Calaf
  • Marta Fairén González
  • Àngela Nebot Castells
  • Albert Oliveras Llunell
  • Enrique Romero Merino 
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Service and Information System Engineering
  • Alberto Abelló Gamazo
  • Claudia Patricia Ayala Martínez
  • Carles Farré Tost
  • Cristina Gómez Seoane
  • Carme Quer Bosor
Automatic Control
  • Andreu Català Mallofre
  • Joan Climent Vilaró
Statistics and Operations Research
  • Karina Gibert Oliveras
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  • Grigori Astrakharchik
  • Manel Canales Gabriel 
  • Anna De Mier Vinué
  • Rodrigo I. Silveira Isoba
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  • Jose Maria Cabré Garcia
  • Ferran Sabaté Garriga


  • Besim Bilalli
  • Josep-Llorenç Cruz Diaz
  • Alexandre Gràcia Calvo
  • Joaquim Motger de la Encarnación
  • Sergi Nadal Francesch
  • Antonia Soler Cervera 
  • Borja Valles Fuente 
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Administrative Staff

  • Anna Casas Casademunt
  • Núria Font Bilbeny
  • Natalia Forcada Delgado
  • Antonia Gómez González 
  • Maribel Gutiérrez Delgado
  • Montserrat Jándula Congost
  • Rosa M. Martín Santiago
  • Lídia Martínez Rojas
  • Albert Obiols Vives
  • Daniel Sánchez Dorado


  • Roger Baiges Trilla
  • Óscar Barragán Galán
  • Maria Camps Llorente
  • Miguel Carrasco Guirao
  • Maria Gil Casas
  • Pablo González Monfort
  • Adrià Lisa Bou
  • Nuria Llopart Fernández
  • Marc Marcos Madruga
  • Martina Massana Massip
  • Eloi Montañés Castellana
  • Olivia Puig Carreras
  • Miquel Rodríguez Sansaloni
  • Xavier Salvà Grimalt
  • Cai Selvas Sala
  • Yiqi Zheng Shan
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