Call for CCD Grants for cooperation activities 2024

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32nd Call for grants from the CCD for cooperation activities corresponding to the year 2024

The Development Cooperation Center(CCD) of the UPC announces the thirty second edition of the call for grants of the CCD. The objective is to promote international cooperation activities, social action at local level, research for development and awareness and education for development.

The call is structured in four modalities:

  • Modality A: Cooperation activities for development
  • Modality B: Research projects for development
  • Modality C: Local activities aimed at combating poverty and social exclusion
  • Modality D: Awareness and education activities for development

To the March 21 The call will be open. The Centre for Development Cooperation (CCD) manages this call and is at your disposal to help you shape your proposals. You can contact them by email  .

On the other hand you will find the bases and all the necessary information to CCD website.

Inform you and present the proposed topic!