Applications for funding to attend the Second Annual Computer Architecture Undergraduate Mentoring Workshop are now open.
Thursday 05 March 2020
The workshop will be held as part of ISCA 2020, and is aimed at undergraduate students with an interest in computer architecture. We expect the workshop will most benefit students who will receive their undergraduate degree in 2021 or 2022, and funding priority will go to students from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Women and underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply for funding.
The workshop will introduce students to research and career opportunities in the field of computer architecture in particular and graduate school lifestyle and survival skills in general. The program will include technical sessions that cover past, current and future research directions in computer architecture, mentoring sessions that cover how to apply to graduate school and how to navigate the architecture research landscape effectively, and networking sessions that create opportunities for students to interact with their peers and established architects in academia and industry.
Selected applicants will have travel, hotel, and conference registration costs covered for the workshop and the main program of the conference. Funded attendees are expected to stay from Sunday through Wednesday morning and to attend both the workshop and the conference main program.
Important Dates:
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