We inform you that until the 29th of April the inscriptions for the online Rosetta Stone courses of languages, adressed to students, PDI and PAS of the UPC.
Thursday 16 April 2020
If you have to make a stay of mobility and want to take advantage of these months to have a first contact with the local language, you have at your disposal offers of levels A1, A2 and B1 of 28 distinct languages.
Also you can improve your knowledge of German, English, Spannish, French and Italian with the courses of levels B2 and C1.
The licence is valid for 6 months (51 €), from 5th of May to October 25th, 2020.
You can get ECTS for this activity, according to the number of hours that feature at the certificate obtained and according with the academic rule of the UPC (1 ECTS: 25 hours).
Check all the information at the Language services and Terminlogy website: https://www.upc.edu/slt/ca/cursos/idiomes-inicials-virtuals
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