The government supports the new agreement for the financing of BSC-CNS together with the UPC, in which the future of the center and the supercomputer MareNostrum 5 is guaranteed, financed by the European commission and called to be one of the most powerful in the world.
Tuesday 21 July 2020
The government and the UPC sign a new agreement for the Barcelona supercomputer. The BSC-CNS will receive 59 millions in 9 years (2020-2029). The Company and Knowledge counciler, Àngels Chacón, said the BSC-CNS is a leader technological and scientific infraestructure useful to get european investment.
The agreement arrives after the last year the European Union gave the BSC-CNS one of its most important and strategic projects: have one of the three preexescala supercomputers, baptized with the name MareNostrum 5.
The MareNostrum 5 will have a maximum performance of 200 Pflops (200.000 billions of operations per second), that will multiply the actual MareNosterum 4 core (13,7 Pflops) by 18.
As a great strategic infraestructure, the BSC-CNS also takes part in the Barcelona candidature to be the new center of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
Besides, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the BSC-CNS has risen as one of the main actives in research in Catalonia impulsing, leading and participating in Covid-related research.
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