Are you aware of how much a specialized and custom hardware can accelerate your application? Are you aware what a Field-Programmable Gate Array can do?
Monday 17 February 2020
If you have already done some successful experiments with Xilinx FPGA or your are going to do them, don’t miss this opportunity!
The competition is open to PhD and undergraduate students in the European area. Individuals or teams of up to three people can enter.
The Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest gives students the opportunity to showcase their technical and creative skills.
There are for categories for Open Hardware 2020:
A 1500 € cash prize will be awarded to the best entries in each category.
The best entry in the compute acceleration category will also win an Alveo or equivalent board for their university.
Participants must register their entry by 28th February 2020, and final projects must be submitted by 30th June 2020. Winners will also receive sponsored travel to the awards ceremony.
Please see the registration page for details on how to enter.
Visit the 2019 Finalist page for details of the winners and previous year's best entries.
For any questions related to the competition, please contact
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