Third call for student projects "Unite!4future"

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The third call for projects "Unite!4future" is open, students are encouraged to make a team and submit a proposal for a university of the future 


The UPC, together with other European universities, takes part in the European university project called Unite!

Within the framework of the Unite! alliance, a new call has been launched to gather teams of students from different universities and submit a proposal to improve the universities of the Unite! network.

In this eddition, students are proposed to develop a proposal for a university of the future dealing at least with one of the following key issues:

  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Academic experience, Mobility and Languages
  • Digitalization

The team should prepare a video with their vision of the university of the future and compete with other teams to win a participation on the Unite! Student Festival that will take place next July 2023 in Lisbon.

Students should make a team with students from other universities of Unite! network (a minimum of 2 universities) and submit the video proposal during the month of January.

To get in touch with other Unite! students, those interested should registre in the Unite!4Future community section within the Metacampus portal and leave messages or consider a proposal made by other students from a Unite university.

Get involved

Once the team is formed and with the idea materialized in a video, you can participate in the Unite!4Future program until 31 of January, 2023.