Enrolment for the 2024-2025 academic year, fall semester

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The enrolment for the fall semester of the academic year 2024-2025, starts on 9th of July 9 and it will be online for all students.

Academic calendars 2024-2025

Fall semester enrollment 2024-2025

Students of the Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering (GEI)

  • New students: 12th, 15th and 16th of July
    • The 2nd assignment is on 24th of July.
    • If this is your first time enrolling on the FIB, go to the registration's hyperlink to know which day you will have to enroll. Once you're inside the page, access to the "First semester students" section.
  • Continuing students
    • Pre-enrolment of elective subjects: 9th to 15th of July
    • Enrolment GEI students (Initial Phase): 23th of July 
    • Enrolment GEI students (finished Initial Phase): 18th, 19th and 22nd of July
    • The date and time to enrol can be checked on e-secretaria

Students of the Bachelor Degree in Data Science and Engineering (GCED)

  • New students: 12th of July
    • The 2nd assignment is on 24th of July.
    • If this is your first time at the FIB, go to the registration's hyperlink to know which day you will have to enroll. Once you're inside the page, access to the "First semester students" section.
  • Students from other courses:
    • Pre-enrolment of elective subjects: 9th to 15th of July
    • Enrolment GEI students (Initial Phase): 18th of July
    • Enrolment GEI students (finished Initial Phase): 18th of July
    • The date and time to enrol can be checked on the platform e-secretaria

Students of the Bachelor Degree in Artificial Intelligence (GIA)

  • New students: 12 of July
    • The 2nd assignment is on July 24.
    • If this is your first time enrolling on the FIB, go to the registration's hyperlink to know which day you will have to enroll. Once you're inside the page, access to the "First semester students" section.
  • Students from other courses: 18 of July
    • Optional subjects pre-enrolment: 9 to 15 of July
    • The date and time to enrol can be checked on e-secretaria

Degree+Master in Computer Engineering (PARS: successive program)

  • New students12, 15 and 16 of July
    • The 2nd assignment is on July 24.
    • If this is your first time enrolling on the FIB, go to the registration's hyperlink to know which day you will have to enroll. Once you're inside the page, access to the "First semester students" section.

Students of the Bachelor's degree in Bioinformatics (BBI)

  • New students: 12th of July
    • The 2nd assignment is on 24th of July
    • If this is your first time enrolling on the FIB, go to the registration's hyperlink to know which day you will have to enroll. Once you're inside the page, access to the "First semester students" section.
  • Students from other courses: 23th of July
    • The date and time to enrol can be checked on the platform e-secretaria

Master students