Facilitate the enrolment of students in their elective courses. Additionally, we will know how many places (if any) we can offer in each course to other master's students.
You can access the pre-enrolment process on Tuesday 9 July 2024 at 10:00 h, through the Racó.
Once inside, you will be able to choose a subject from among the electives of your master's degree. Don't forget that if you have any compulsory subject still pending that is offered this term you have to register for it first, therefore, in this case, you will not be able to register for any optional subject.
The first phase of the pre-enrolment process will remain open until Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 23:59 h.
We will check the enrolment requests and we will value together with the departments involved whether it is necessary (and possible) to introduce changes in the number of groups and/or places offered in some courses.
On Monday 15 July 2024 at 10:00 h we will reopen the pre-enrolment application, to allow the students who had participated in the first phase to introduce modifications in their selection of subjects. In this second phase students can only add to their pre-enrolment subjects with free places, or make group changes between pre-registered subjects. This second phase will remain open until Monday 15 July at 23:59 h.
Only the students who had introduced a pre-enrolment selection in the first phase will be allowed to participate in the second one.
If after the second phase there are groups in which the applications outnumber the capacity of the groups, the places will be attributed according to the enrolment order of the students (based in their performance). If there is more than one group and any group has free places, the students who do not fit in the group of their election will be moved to the other group, following the same enrolment order. Students who do not fit the capacity of the course will be left out of it.
The pre-registration application will give students information on their position in each subject based on their enrolment order.
The students who have completed the pre-enrolment process will have a reserved place in the assigned group. They must confirm this by choosing it during the enrolment process. Otherwise, they will lose the reserved place, which will be offered to the rest of the students during the modification period.
The free places (not reserved during the pre-enrolment period) will be offered to all students during the enrolment process
Online procedure
RacóPhase 1: Fom Tuesday 9 July 2024 at 10:00 h to Wednesday 10 July at 23:59 h.
Phase 2: Monday 15 July 2024, from 10:00 to 23:59 h.
The pre-enrolment of MDS elective courses is intended for all the students who have past their first semester.
This procedure is free.
Building B6, 1st floor - Campus Nord
C/Jordi Girona Salgado,1-3
08034 Barcelona
Face-to-face assistance by making an appointment.
Remember to specify the reason of the appointment.
August closed
Due to current sanitary measures, appointment timetable may be affected. Consult the appointment webpage.
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