Supply chain data science: from raw data to business impact

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Speaker: Jacomine Grobler, visiting professor from Stellenbosch University (South Africa) 

Thursday, 21 September at 10:30 am at Sala de Juntes FIB (Building B6, first floor)


Effective supply chain management is one of the most important enablers for the operational success of a company. Customers expect to receive the right product, at the right time, at the right place, and in perfect condition. This goal is, however, challenging to achieve in an ever-changing business and technology environment. Fortunately, more and more data is being created every day that can be used to improve decision-making in a supply chain. This webinar will introduce supply chain data science and touch on various case studies from the logistics, manufacturing and agricultural industries. These case studies will be used to show the value that data science can add to the process of converting raw data to effective business decision-making.

Jacomine Grobler

Jacomine Grobler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.

Her main fields of expertise are supply chain optimization, optimization algorithm development, and data science applications in industrial engineering. She spent seven years in industry before completing her PhD in 2015. She
received the 2015 JD Roberts emerging researcher award and also the 2017 South African Institute for Industrial Engineering Most Outstanding Young Industrial Engineering Researcher Award. She regularly reviews papers for leading international journals and have presented various invited lectures, for example, a tutorial at the Seventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence in Bali, Indonesia.

The conference is taking place next Thursday, 21 September at 10:30 am at Sala de Juntes FIB (Building B6, first floor)

No registration required.