Welcome Ceremonies 2024-2025

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During 5, 6 and 9 September took place the Welcome Ceremonies for Grades, Masters and Exchange students.

Welcome ceremony for the new students of the Degree in Computer Engineering (GEI)

Last Friday, 6th september, at 11.00 a.m., the welcome ceremony for the new GEI students began accompanied with the words of welcome from the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona, ​​Mr. Josep Fernandez, in addition to an explanation of how the Degree works and the main characteristics of this first phase that are beggining the new students.

The GEI is our largest degree, with around 400 students have started this degree.

Then the vice-dean and head of studies of the initial phase, Gemma Sesé, addressed some words of motivation and recommendations to the students of new access to move forward in this new stage successfully. 

Moreover the coordinator of the Mentoring program for the 2024-2025 academic year, Carla Cordero, representing the FIB students. She introduced the operation of this program aimed at students who are part of the Initial Phase of the Degree during the first two semesters.

Carla also encouraged students to participate in university life and sign up for mentorships.

Afterwards, the floor was given to Ruth Iñigo, representing the Biblioteca Rector Gabriel Ferraté (BRGF), who reported on the resources and services that the library offers. 

Later on Mr. Josep Fernandez gave the floor to Vanessa Paulino, Talent Acquisition Manager and Employer Branding at NTTdata. She was responsible for giving the awards for the best record of the Initial Phase

The awarded have been Jordi Abelló Sunyer (best Initiahl Phase record) and Naiara González Casanova (best Initial Phase girl student).

To conclude the act, the vice-dean of Digital Strategy, Àlvar Vinacua, ended with closing words.

Welcome ceremony for the new students of the Degree in Artificial Intelligence (GIA)

On Monday 9 September at 12.00, the welcome ceremony for the new students of the GIA was held in the FIB Sala d'actes.

Welcome ceremony for the new students of the Degree in Science and Data Engineering (GCED)

On Friday, September 6 at 10:00 a.m., the welcome ceremony for new GCED students took place. The event took place in person in the A5 building, and also online via Google Meet.

Welcome ceremony for the new students of the Degree in Bioinformatics (BBI)

Dijous, 5 i divendres 6 de setembre va tenir lloc l'acte de benvinguda als nous estudiants del BBI a la Sala d'Actes Manuel Martí Recober de la FIB. A partir del curs 2024-25, la FIB és el centre coordinador d'aquest grau interuniversitari compartit entre la UPF, UB i UAB.

On Thursday, September 5 and Friday, September 6, the welcome ceremony for the new BBI students took place in the Sala Manuel Martí Recober of the FIB. From the 2024-25 academic year, the FIB is the coordinating center for this inter-university degree shared between UPF, UB and UAB.

Welcome ceremony for the exchange students

The Erasmus Welcome Ceremony took place on Friday, 6 September at 9.30 am in Sala d'Actes Manuel Martí Recober at FIB. A total of 111 mobility students have chosen the FIB for an academic stay.

Welcome Ceremony for FIB Masters

On Monday 9 September at 10 am the welcoming ceremony was held for new students of the FIB masters in the Aula Màster of the Campus Nord. During the event were given the following Masters:

  • Master in Computer Science (MEI)
  • Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics (MIRI)
  • Master in Artificial Intelligence (MAI)
  • Master in Data Science (MDS)

The Vicedean of Graduate Studies, Oscar Romero has been in charge of the presentation of each Master.