Everis grants 2020/2021

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Did you know that everis offers help to study a master's degree in the FIB? It's an incredible opportunity and you're still in time to apply!

Requirements for applicants

  1. Applicants must be graduates of the bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering, or be students in a FIB's Master at the moment of application.
  2. They must enroll in 30 credits on a FIB master’s degree for the 2020/2021 academic year, or be pre-enrolled in a FIB's Master in the 2020/2021.

Preference will be given to the students of the specializations Advanced Computing, Computer Networks and Distributed Systems or Data Science.

14th of Setember, 2020

Amount of grants
The financial contribution of each grant is the full price of the enrolment

If you are looking for further information, check out the web of the Master's degrees.