Opening conference of the GIA grade by Atia Cortès.
Wednesday 17 November 2021
On the occasion of the Degree in Artificial Intelligence opening, will take place the conference "El rol de les enginyeres per construir una IA propera a la societat" in charge of Atia Cortès, on 29 November at 2 pm in Sala d'Actes FIB and at FIB's YouTube channel.
Àtia Cortés studied computer engineering at FIB-UPC, where she also earned the Master's degree and doctorate in Artificial Intelligence. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the Social Link Analytics unit of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, where she is part of the Bioinfo4Women program. Àtia has a long experience working on national and European projects, especially related to the design and development of AI-based solutions applied in the field of health.
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