The World Data Viz Challenge 2020 Barcelona-Kobe is a contest that has as a principal aim the challenges of the intelligent cities, inviting all citizens to treat their distinct realities and casuistries.
Thursday 25 June 2020
It's a data contest held by Barcelona's city council, represented in this case by Bit Habitat Foundation, and the Kobe (Japan) with the aim of getting some relief on the challenges of the intelligent cities and invite the citizens to make improving proposals from the data analysis and its visualization.
With the data analysis and its visualization, the contest wants participants to make improving proposals that can be useful en the ellaboration of public policies.
The contest also wants to:
Between all the visualizations that are presented in Barcelona, a jury of specialists will select 5 finalists in which the best visualization will be chosen, receiving a prize of 1000€. Besides, to foment participation of the university world, there will be a special mention ‘Universitats Barcelona’, of 250€ to the best visualization presented by university students.
In previous editions, the final act of presentation of the finalists was held in the Smart City Expo World Congress, but this year due to the Covid-19 situation it will be diferent.
Inscriptions opened until 26th of October.
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