The 1st edition of David Riaño Ramos Award to the best Master Thesis at MAI has been announced.
Wednesday 25 October 2023
The Academic Committee of the Interuniversity Master in Artificial Intelligence UPC-URV-UB (MAI) announces the first edition of the David Riaño Ramos Award to the best Master Thesis at MAI.
The prize is created in memory of Dr. David Riaño Ramos, who was a lecturer and a coordinator of the MAI programme at Universitat Rovira i Virgili. He was an excellent and highly dedicated teacher and researcher, internationally recognized for his works in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
The prize consists of a financial award of 1.000€.
Students who have taken the MAI master and have completed the Final Master’s thesis can apply for that award, provided that the Master’s thesis has been defended between October 1 st, 2021 and October 23 rd , 2023 and has obtained a minimum grade of 9.
Call dates:
You can find more information in this link.
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