Quantum Spain Colloquia Seminar

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Date: Monday, 20 June
Time: from 4 pm to 5.30 pm
Speaker: Sergio Boixo
Place: Campus Nord, UPC. Room TBA

Outperforming classical supercomputers in a well-defined computational task is an important milestone in the long-term quest for practical quantum computing. Sergio Boixo visits the FIB to teach the seminary “Beyond-classical computation from a computer science perpective” where he will argue about the milestone has been reached for the task of random quantum circuit sampling, the recent advances in complexity theory and classical algorithms related to this experiment and recent BosonSampling experiments and algorithms.

Sergio Boixo leads the Quantum Computer Science group at Google Quantum AI. He was previously a research professor and quantum engineer at USC, and a postdoc at Harvard and Caltech. Sergio has a doctorate in physics from UNM, a master's degree in physics from UAB, is a computer engineer from UCM, and studied mathematics and philosophy at UNED. In a past life, Sergio worked as a computer engineer at the European Central Bank and other companies.

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