Announcement for the course 2020-2021 of formation stays at the ALBA Synchrotron.
Tuesday 16 June 2020
The ALBA Synchrotron offers the possibility for university students to realize a formation stay at his facilities. The students that are interested have to present an application at the annual announcement. The application deadline is 21st of June.
Students can make the formation since October 2020 until September 2021. The specific period for each student will be aconcreted for each case. These will be remunerated with a compensation of 450 soiled euros monthly, at concept of aid at the survey.
The students that want to realize the external academic practices at the Synchrotron ALBA will have to present the application (Annex And) filled with the CV and the academic record at digital format for e-mail at , with the topic “Candidature for external academic practices 2020-2021” as well as the key of the second area article 5 of the bases of the announcement.
Information about formation stays.
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