The Vice-Rectorate for International Policy calls for financial aid to finance the teaching missions (STA) to be carried out during the academic year 2019-20 within the framework of the ERASMUS + KA103 program of the European Union.
Tuesday 28 January 2020
The objective of the program is:
This period will have two new things:
- It has been included Serbia on the list of countries with mobility possibility.
- To all the benefactors of a help STA, the GRI will contract an insurance through OnCampus, that will be in charge of the program's budget, this will not add any cost for the benefactors nor the centers.
In addition to the announcement text, we'll distribute to you the Place application (Anex I of the announcement) and the Teaching Mobility Agreement, (Anex II), which should be added to every application and includes the acceptation of the origin and destination institution, as the study planning.
The term for the applications presentation is Friday, 14th of February.
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