Concessió beques Allianz Technology - UPC, curs 2023/2024

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Allianz Technology has awarded 5 scholarships to FIB master's students


With the aim of supporting the Allianz Technology Master's Scholarship Project, the company Allianz Technology signed a collaboration agreement with the UPC under which, in July 2023, a call for scholarships in the following FIB master's studies was published:

  • Master in Informatics Engineering: 2 scholarships
  • Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics: 1 scholarship
  • Master in Data Science: 1 scholarship
  • Master in Cybersecurity: 1 scholarship

The scholarships cover the prices of tuition and fees for the entire theoretical duration of the master's degree.

Last Friday, December 15th, the scholarships were awarded to the 5 beneficiary students. Allianz Technology highlighted the particular enthusiasm, energy and attitude of the candidates.

We were accompanied by the vice-rector for Teaching and Students, Anna Mujal, who congratulated the award-winning students, telling them that this is a very good opportunity, even beyond the financial scholarship they have received. And she thanked Allianz Technology for having opted for public universities and the UPC in its emerging talent program Allianz Tech Championship.

Allianz Technology Scholarships 2023-2024