We will start the spring semester on 15th February, and everything seems to indicate that the competent authorities will maintain the current restrictions as far as the teaching activity of Catalan Universities is concerned.
Wednesday 03 February 2021
Given this situation, we inform you that with regard to attendance:
We will start the course in a situation equal to the end of the last semester, i.e. we will start with all online classes, until the situation changes and the PROCICAT allows face-to-face activities in theory, problems and laboratories. Due to the mixture of schedules with theories, problems and laboratories, it is not possible to create a face-to-face schedule with only laboratories in one day. That's why we preferred to format online at the beginning of the semester and until the situation changes.
We will start the course in a situation equal to the end of the last semester, with online classes in terms of theories and face-to-face classes for practical classes: laboratories and problems. This, as far as MIRI is concerned, means that Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are in fully online format, and Wednesdays and Fridays in face-to-face format with labs and problems.
On the other hand the academic calendar establishes that the period of classes goes from the 15th of February until the 31st of May of 2021 (look at the timetable for special cases). Note that from 15th up to 21st of April there will not be classes (neither face-to-face nor online) due to the realization of proofs of evaluation. The assessments, both in April and June, will be carried out mostly in person (presential). For organizational or mobility reasons, some exceptions may occur. As always you will find the specific information of each course in the Racó and / or Atenea.
In any case, the resolutions issued by the authorities will be applied at all times, and when appropriate, the presence of teaching activities will be adapted, and the health measures applied to the Campus. Surely, thanks to the dedication and responsibility of all of us, we will successfully complete your university training.
Take care, and take care of yours.
FIB management
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