Com cada any, aquest mes de maig comença el Programa d'estiu de GeorgiaTech a la FIB. Si ets estudiant de grau pots participar-hi i obtenir reconeixement de crèdits.
dijous 12 maig 2022
25 de maig:
Presentació dels cursos de 10.00 - 12.00 h a la FIB per part dels professors de GeorgiaTech (molt recomanable assistir-hi). Es farà davant dels aularis (A4-A5) i en cas de pluja es trasllada l'acte a la sala de graus (C4).
Inici de les classes
26 de maig: inici de les classes a les 9 h (aula C6003)
29 de juliol: Últim dia de classe.
Dies sense classes:
Del 4 al 6 de juny
Del 23 al 26 de juny
Del 14 al 17 de juliol
CS 3750: User Interface Design, Prof. Southern
Be knowledgeable about human-computer interaction concepts and techniques, and be able to recognize good and bad design in the world.
Beyond that, students will have a vocabulary to describe why a design fails and what must be done to improve the design.
Demonstrate that design is a systematic and data driven process.
Gain experience as a designer of interactive technology by getting your hands dirty prototyping interfaces and functions. You will learn how best to create the most cost-effective functional prototype to elicit user needs.
In other words, you are not expected to build a commercial-strength system in this class, but you would know what such a system would entail for its successful adoption.
Learn quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate technology for usability.
CS 4400: Introduction to Database Systems, Prof. Sweat
examine fundamental database concepts via actual database design process.
from conceptual data representation to storing data in an actual database.
map the conceptual design to a DB specific model (relational data model).
Learn the principles involved in designing effective information visualizations.
Understand the wide variety of information visualizations and know what visualizations are appropriate for various types of data and for different goals.
Understand how to design and implement information visualizations.
Know how information visualizations use dynamic interaction methods to help users understand data.
Learn to apply an understanding of human perceptual and cognitive capabilities to the design of information visualizations.
Develop skills in critiquing different visualization techniques in the context of user goals and objectives.
Learn how to implement compelling information visualizations.
Els cursos estan oberts als estudiant del GEI que no hagin cursat prèviament assignatures equiparables i que hagin superat 180 ECTS o més.
Tots el cursos són en anglès.
Per cada curs superat, l’estudiant obtindrà 6 ECTS optatius (es matriculen a posteriori).
Si vols participar, envia un correu electrònic amb tema ‘GeorgiaTech 2022 – Summer courses’ a indicant el curs (o cursos) que vols fer i les teves dades personals.
Termini per enviar peticions: dijous, 19 de maig, a les 12 h.
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