GeorgiaTech 2022 – Cursos d’estiu a la FIB

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Com cada any, aquest mes de maig comença el Programa d'estiu de GeorgiaTech a la FIB. Si ets estudiant de grau pots participar-hi i obtenir reconeixement de crèdits.


  • 25 de maig: 

    • Presentació dels cursos de 10.00 - 12.00 h a la FIB per part dels professors de GeorgiaTech (molt recomanable assistir-hi). Es farà davant dels aularis (A4-A5) i en cas de pluja es trasllada l'acte a la sala de graus (C4).

    • Inici de les classes 

  • 26 de maig: inici de les classes a les 9 h (aula C6003)

  • 29 de juliol: Últim dia de classe.

  • Dies sense classes: 

    • Del 4 al 6 de juny

    • Del 23 al 26 de juny

    • Del 14 al 17 de juliol

Cursos disponibles

  • CS 3750: User Interface Design, Prof. Southern

    • Horari: dilluns de 12.30 a 15.20 h i dijous de 12.30 a 13.50 h. 
    • Descripció: All about understanding people and the Human-Centered Design process.
    • Course Objectives:
      • Be knowledgeable about human-computer interaction concepts and techniques, and be able to recognize good and bad design in the world.

      • Beyond that, students will have a vocabulary to describe why a design fails and what must be done to improve the design. 

      • Demonstrate that design is a systematic and data driven process. 

      • Gain experience as a designer of interactive technology by getting your hands dirty prototyping interfaces and functions. You will learn how best to create the most cost-effective functional prototype to elicit user needs. 

      • In other words, you are not expected to build a commercial-strength system in this class, but you would know what such a system would entail for its successful adoption. 

      • Learn quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate technology for usability.

  • CS 4400: Introduction to Database Systems, Prof. Sweat

    • Horari: dilluns, dimecres i divendres de 10.30 a 11.50 h.
    • Descripció: intro database course where you will design and implement a DB solution following the relational DB model. It goes from data to a working DB with application layer on top.
    • Course objectives:
      • examine fundamental database concepts via actual database design process.

        • from conceptual data representation to storing data in an actual database.

        •  map the conceptual design to a DB specific model (relational data model).

      • learn how to formally improve a design.
      • Use SQL.
  • ​​CS 4460: Information Visualization, Prof. Southern
    • Horari: dilluns de 15.30 a 16.50 h, dimarts i dijous de 14 a 15.20 h.
    • Descripció: All about interactive visual design.
    • Course Objectives:
      • Learn the principles involved in designing effective information visualizations. 

      • Understand the wide variety of information visualizations and know what visualizations are appropriate for various types of data and for different goals. 

      • Understand how to design and implement information visualizations. 

      • Know how information visualizations use dynamic interaction methods to help users understand data. 

      • Learn to apply an understanding of human perceptual and cognitive capabilities to the design of information visualizations. 

      • Develop skills in critiquing different visualization techniques in the context of user goals and objectives.

      • Learn how to implement compelling information visualizations.

Requisits i condicions

  • Els cursos estan oberts als estudiant del GEI que no hagin cursat prèviament assignatures equiparables i que hagin superat 180 ECTS o més. 

  • Tots el cursos són en anglès

  • Per cada curs superat, l’estudiant obtindrà 6 ECTS optatius (es matriculen a posteriori).

Si vols participar, envia un correu electrònic amb tema ‘GeorgiaTech 2022 – Summer courses’ a  indicant el curs (o cursos) que vols fer i les teves dades personals.

Termini per enviar peticions: dijous, 19 de maig, a les 12 h.