Consulta ofertes d'altres estudis i especialitats
This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of an adaptive and extensible service for collecting, integrating, storing, and monitoring metrics related to the activity and visibility of a mobile software product. The system aggregates data from multiple third-party APIs and web sources, providing insights into key metrics such as search engine results, social media mentions, app store ratings, user engagement, and developer interest.
Millorar el nivell de realisme d'aguns dels procediments interactius d'una aplicació en un entorn de RV immersiu (casc RV) dins la qual el participant ha de poder realitzar un dels processos establerts en el protocol de donació i trasplantament d'òrgans. La idea general és incorporar tècniques avançades de Gràfics per Computador per simular de manera realista alguns d'aquests processos tenint en compte que es requereix execució en temps real.
Se propone la introducción de tecnología NIR (Near Infrared Reflectance) y de otros sensores como sistema de control, monitoreo y predicción de la calidad de las elaboraciones en planta de producción de alimentos de forma automatizada. Este proyecto conlleva asociada una beca INIREC (7 meses) con inicio 15/12/2024.
The goal of the project is to create an application that helps patients doing rehabilitation exercises using virtual reality.
This project focuses on the analysis and visualization of data obtained through manometry, a technique used to measure pressure within the small bowel. From the capture data, we aim to interpret the patterns of gastrointestinal motility. The project's goal is to enhance the understanding of various gastrointestinal disorders, through informative visual representations of the manometric data.
In the NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya (N3Cat,, we are investigating the use of ultra-short range wireless communications an alternative to current interconnects. In our EU project EWiC, we aim to emulate chip-to-chip wireless communications within a computer. For that, we will emulate the behavior of a multi-chip CPU with FPGAs, and connect them wirelessly using Software-Defined Radios (SDR).
This work aims to revisit an algorithm based on the Dynamic Pipeline Paradigm for incrementally enumerating bi-triangles in large bipartite networks. In particular, in the implementation of this algorithm, operations over large sets of vertices are needed. In this project, experiments to assess the continuous behavior of the implementation of the DP-algorithm focusing on the current representation of sets as well as using alternative set representations will be conducted. In the experimental study the current implementation will be the baseline.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació basada en IA que ajudi en una planificació eficient de l'activitat quirúrgica i intervencionisme quirúrgic. El model/algoritme d'IA facilitarà una proposta en funció de l'anàlisi de paràmetres de l'històric i la demanda en la planificació, dels quals s'alimentarà de forma recurrent. De la mateixa manera aprendrà en funció del resultat d' acceptació de les planificacions suggerides al professional mèdic i també del seu rebuig i alternatives finalment decidides.
This project focuses on the performance optimization and software engineering refinement of a high-performance 3D electromagnetic modeling code, recently transitioned from Python to C to fully exploit its parallel computing capabilities. Developed at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, this code integrates a comprehensive suite of data structures and routines designed for scalable and efficient large-scale numerical computations in distributed memory environments using the MPI standard.
Recent advancements in nanotechnology have enabled the concept of the "Human Intranet", where devices inside and on our body can sense and communicate, opening the door to multiple exciting applications in the healthcare domain. This thesis aims to delve into the computing, communication, and localization aspects of the "Human Intranet" and how to practically realize them in the next decade.
This thesis aims to explore the possibilities of the new and less studied variant of neural networks called Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). While convolutional networks are good for computer vision or recurrent networks are good for temporal analysis, GNNs are able to learn and model graph-structured relational data, with huge implications in fields such as quantum chemistry, computer networks, or social networks among others.
The project aims to enhance and expand a set of computational tools called ArcArAz, which focus on the preprocessing of geometric configurations and parameterization for groundwater numerical models. These tools can also be applied in other environmental sciences. The new version of ArcArAz is expected to be compatible with modern GIS systems, data formats, and computational architectures, optimizing performance to its fullest potential.
El objetivo principal es desarrollar e implementar el estándar IEEE 802.15.4 para redes de sensores IoT sobre la arquitectura Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA). El trabajo se realizará en colaboración con el centro de investigación i2cat (
Es vol desenvolupar una aplicació de visualització i planificació d'osteotomies maxil·lars en un entorn virtual immersiu que permeti la inspecció i manipulació de les diferents estructures anatòmiques que intervenen (diferents estructures òssies) així com la col·locació de certs elements (plans de tall) que permetin la planificació de com s'han de realitzar els diferents talls en les estructures òssies d'interès. L'aplicació es desenvoluparà sobre Unity.
Computing systems are ubiquitous in our daily life, to the point that progress is intimately tied to the improvements brought by new generations of the processors that lie at the heart of these systems. A common trait of current computing systems is that their internal data communication has become a fundamental bottleneck and traditional interconnects are just not good enough. This thesis aims to study how we can speed up architectures with CPUs, GPUs, and ML accelerators thanks to unconventional (e.g. wireless) interconnects.
Quantum computers promise exponential improvements over conventional ones due to the extraordinary properties of qubits. However, quantum computing faces many challenges relative to the scaling of the algorithms and of the computers that run them. This thesis delves into these challenges and proposes solutions to create scalable quantum computing systems.
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