Remote Access to the File Repository

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Working environment and teaching support

Remote access service

FIB users can access the content of their directory /dades and /assig  (Linux),  unit F: and I: (Windows) from outside the University through the remote access to files the FIB offers.

How to use

To access your personal account use the following link:

When you get in, you will see a screen like the following and so that you can access/upload remote files, accessible from the laboratories, you have to go to the FIB folder.

Assig directory is offered in read-only mode. You must go to:

This service can be accessed from mobile devices with android and iphone app.

NOTE: The disk quote that appears down-left is not the remote disks quote. It's a local one to use the software. PLease, do not upload files outside the FIB folder, you can have problems with the app.



This new service is offered using the TrueNas technology and Nextcloud software.


I can't see the Linux HOME folders?

You can ony access files you have stored into data folder or F: from Windows. Please, move whatever you need to data, HOME is a space for temporary storage.

I can't see the quote correctly

The quote given by the system is not the one from the remote unit, but a temporary access space. We hope in future software versions this is fixed. You can check the quote from the labs PC.

I can't see Linux DADES folders

We have detected that if file names or directories contain uncommon symbols (rounds, parentheses, ..) it can cause problems. Try renaming these files or directories and regain access to the service to see if you see it. If it still causes problems, open a ticket.

IT Support

Let us know incidences, doubts, recommendations or topics you think you hace a lack of information or more IT resources that could be made to facilitate to follow teaching at FIB.

IT FIB support