Entrepreneurship and Innovation

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This subject has not requirements, but it has got previous capacities
In this course the student body defines and plans an entrepreneurship project or intra-entrepreneurship, that is, to work on the development of a new company or business model developed around a product or service, either newly created or resulting from an improvement or innovation in any product or service of an existing company. Thus, each student participates in a project clearly oriented to the innovation of a product or service and develops a solid knowledge of the business model associated with the project.

The project proposal is defined by external institutions, such as companies from different sectors. The identification of the need, the idea of the product or service, the business model and the planning of the project are defined in this subject, while the final design, its execution and technical implementation are developed in teams in the subject Engineering Projects.


Person in charge

  • Ferran Sabate Garriga ( )


  • Alexandre Gracia Calvo ( )
  • Carlos Lopez Martinez ( )
  • Elisenda Bonet Carné ( )
  • Joaquim Deulofeu Aymar ( )
  • Marta Rodríguez Martínez ( )
  • Susana Gimenez Buendia ( )

Weekly hours

Guided learning
Autonomous learning


Technical Competences

Technical competencies

  • CE11 - Within the corporate context, understand the innovation process, be able to propose models and business plans based on data exploitation, analyze their feasibility and be able to communicate them convincingly.

Transversal Competences


  • CT1 [Avaluable] - Entrepreneurship and innovation. Know and understand the organization of a company and the sciences that govern its activity; Have the ability to understand labor standards and the relationships between planning, industrial and commercial strategies, quality and profit.
  • CT2 - Sustainability and Social Commitment. To know and understand the complexity of economic and social phenomena typical of the welfare society; Be able to relate well-being to globalization and sustainability; Achieve skills to use in a balanced and compatible way the technique, the technology, the economy and the sustainability.
  • CT3 [Avaluable] - Efficient oral and written communication. Communicate in an oral and written way with other people about the results of learning, thinking and decision making; Participate in debates on topics of the specialty itself.
  • CT4 [Avaluable] - Teamwork. Be able to work as a member of an interdisciplinary team, either as a member or conducting management tasks, with the aim of contributing to develop projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, taking commitments taking into account available resources.
  • CT5 - Solvent use of information resources. Manage the acquisition, structuring, analysis and visualization of data and information in the field of specialty and critically evaluate the results of such management.
  • CT7 - Third language. Know a third language, preferably English, with an adequate oral and written level and in line with the needs of graduates.


  • CB2 - That the students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of ??study.
  • CB3 - That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ??study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  • CB4 - That the students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public.
  • CB5 - That the students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake later studies with a high degree of autonomy

Generic Technical Competences


  • CG3 - Work in multidisciplinary teams and projects related to the processing and exploitation of complex data, interacting fluently with engineers and professionals from other disciplines.
  • CG4 - Identify opportunities for innovative data-driven applications in evolving technological environments.
  • CG5 - To be able to draw on fundamental knowledge and sound work methodologies acquired during the studies to adapt to the new technological scenarios of the future.


  1. Understand and describe the business environment and its role in society.
    Related competences: CT1,
  2. Understand and describe how innovation processes work in the business context.
    Related competences: CE11, CB5,
  3. Conceive and analyse different business models based on data exploitation. Define the financial aspects of the model and learn about the different ways of presenting the business model.
    Related competences: CE11, CT1, CT5, CB3,
  4. Communicate through a solid and convincing speech developing the business idea, its opportunity and its business plan.
    Related competences: CT3, CT5, CT7, CG5, CB3, CB4,
  5. Identify and analyze the needs of a given environment. Use appropriate methodologies to identify customers, potential users and other stakeholders. Identify and analyze the various solutions to the needs. Define and improve your value proposition.
    Related competences: CT2, CT4, CT5, CG3, CG4, CB2, CB3,
  6. Identify the market, its segmentation and positioning towards customers. Establish the access channels and the differentiation of the product or service.
    Related competences: CE11, CT1, CG5, CB5,
  7. Identify and assess key activities, resources and partnerships.
    Related competences: CT1,
  8. Define and analyze the basic financial aspects: Costs and investments.
    Related competences: CE11, CT1, CB5,
  9. Define the planning of a project using standard or agile methodologies.
    Related competences: CT1, CG3, CG5, CB2, CB5,
  10. To apply the methodologies included in the course in a practical case working as a team from a challenge specified by an external company or institution.
    Related competences: CE11, CT1, CT4, CT5, CT7, CG3, CG4, CG5, CB2, CB4, CB5,
  11. Design a business model based on the exploitation of data and analyse its viability. Define and analyse its global dimension.
    Related competences: CE11, CT1, CT2, CT5,
  12. Analyze several key aspects of the business model using the Business Canvas methodology
    Related competences: CT1, CT3, CT5, CG4, CG5, CB3, CB5,


  1. 1) Justification and presentation of the subject and projects.
    a) Justification: Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation.
    b) The functioning of the subject.
    c) Presentation of projects.
    d) Team building and project assignment.
  2. 2) Management of innovation projects
    a) Classical techniques: Scope, Temporal Planning (Gantt), Economic Management, Risk Management;
    b) Agile methodologies: Lean Startup; Kanban; Scrum / Agile;
    c) Base model: Business plan, Business Canvas and Lean Canvas
  3. 3) Techniques for generating ideas, business opportunities and proposing value
    a) Creativity;
    b) Brainstorming;
    c) Design Thinking
  4. 4) Models for entrepreneurship and innovation: Business Model Canvas / Lean Canvas / Business Plan
    a) Business Plan;
    b) Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas;
    c) Conference EmprenUPC
  5. 5) Strategy and definition of the product (value proposition)
    a) Mission, Vision, Values;
    b) Porter and SWOT
    c) Critical success factors;
    d) Design Thinking
  6. 6) Market research and benchmarking (value proposition)
    a) Innovation and benchmarking axis 1: Identification of long-term market trends;
    b) Innovation and benchmarking axis 2: Technology evolution as a source of ideas;
    c) Innovation and benchmarking axis 3: Ethical business models as a source of innovation and ideas;
    d) Survey acceptance.
  7. 7) Segmentation, positioning and relationship with customers. Marketing-mix
    a) Strategic marketing. Differentiation.
    b) Place
    c) Product
    d) Price
    e) Promotion
  8. 8) Conference: Presentation of a real project of entrepreneurship
    a) An entrepreneur presents a real start-up project.
  9. 9) Search for resources and economic-financial aspects
    {Simulating, if necessary, a start-up scenario}
    a) Resource requirements. Alliances. The construction of the initial balance of the company;
    b) Forecast of operating account (basic profit and loss forecast) for the first two years. Cash-flow;
    c) Treasury plan;
    d) Economic-financial ratios.
  10. 10) Communication and presentation techniques
    a) The entrepreneur as the main seller;
    b) Some communication and presentation techniques;
    c) Preparation of the presentation.


Activity Evaluation act

Guest lectures

Conferences on entrepreneurship and management of projects carried out by external experts.
Objectives: 1 2 3 12 11 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Project (enter group; two teachers in class)

Scheduled as one more hour of laboratory, with the whole group in class and two teachers supporting

Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Teaching methodology

The course combines the "presentation of contents" on the different aspects involved in the creation of a start-up focused on offering new innovative products and/or services (or on facilitating the innovation of products or services in established companies) with the "application" of these contents in a real project of definition and planning of a business model that responds to the challenge posed to each team at the start of the course by a company or institution.

Each course offers different challenges, proposed by companies and external institutions, which are assigned to work teams of 5 students. Based on the methods explained in the theory sessions and always through interaction with the client and potential users, the teams identify the most relevant needs, identify the product or service with market potential and generate a detailed analysis in the form of a Business Plan with the idea of justifying the viability of the proposed new business or innovation. The practical work will be carried out in work sessions of 3 hours per week in small groups (laboratory) and in corresponding time of autonomous work. The product or service resulting from the work in "Entrepreneurship and Innovation" will be executed and implemented in the subject "Engineering Projects".

Evaluation methodology

The evaluation of the subject is based on two aspects:

- Two controls, one intermediate (C1) and another at the end (C2), to evaluate the individual knowledge on the topics worked on in the theory sessions and also the individual knowledge of all the aspects developed by the team in the project (40%). C2 will include all the subject matter and if your grade is better than C1 (C2> C1), C1 will be replaced by C2.

- Evaluation of the project (60%) according to a rubric that integrates the different aspects, taking into account both the final result of the project and its development. A score is determined by the team that is dynamically modulated at an individual level on the basis of the co-evaluation carried out by the team members of the level of involvement in the implementation of the project of the rest of the members. From this modulation results the NPMI mark. The modulation will consist of transferring points from those people in whom there is evidence of having worked less (and having negatively affected the group dynamics) to those people who have worked more. On an individual basis, a member of the group may have his mark increased or decreased by a maximum of 4 points (in relation to the project mark, which is equivalent to 2.4 points in relation to the overall mark for the subject).

In short, the score will be calculated as follows:
NF = 20%*max(C1, C2) + 20%*C2 + 60%*NPMI

Only 40% of the grade can be re-evaluated, resulting from the 2 controls carried out during the course. Thus, the re-evaluation will consist of an examination on the topics worked on in the theory sessions and also on the individual knowledge of all the aspects developed in the team in the project. The grade obtained will replace the grade obtained in the 2 exams taken previously during the course, and it will compute with a weight of 40%, given that it replaces 2 exams that computed 40% of the final grade of the subject.



  • Product design and development - Ulrich, K.T.; Eppinger, S.D.; Yang, M.D, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2019. ISBN: 9781260566437
  • Entrepreneurship - Hisrich, R.D.; Peters, M.P.; Shepherd, D.A, McGraw-Hill, 2024. ISBN: 9781266264139
  • Empresa 3.0: políticas y valores corporativos en una cultura empresarial sostenible - Eguiguren, M.; Barroso, E, Pirámide, 2011. ISBN: 9788436824766
  • Emprendiendo hacia el 2020: una renovada perspectiva global del arte de crear empresas y sus artistas - Nueno, P, Deusto, 2009. ISBN: 9788423426928
  • Innovación: 100 consejos para inspirarla y gestionarla - Barba, Enric, Libros de Cabecera, 2011. ISBN: 9788493830335
  • S01 Presentación de la asignatura - Sabate, Ferran, UPC,
  • INVENTARIO DE AUTOPERCEPCION BELBIN. Hoja de Respuesta - Belbin, Belbin,
  • S02.T Gestión clásica de proyectos - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S02.L Gestión clásica de proyectos - Laboratorio - Sabate, Ferran, UPC,
  • CHAOS Report 2015 - The Standish Group International, Inc, The Standish Group International, Inc, 2015.
  • S03.T Gestión 'Agile' de proyectos - Sabate, Ferran, UPC,
  • S03.L Gestión 'Agile' de proyectos - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S03.Lectura La Guía de Scrum (TM) - Schwaber, Kern; Sutherland, Jeff, UPC,
  • S04.T Generación de Ideas - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S04.L Generación de Ideas - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • Guía del Proceso Creativo. Mini guía: una introducción al Design Thinking + Bootcamp Bootleg - Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, University of Stanford, 2015.
  • S05.T Modelos de Negocio - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S05.L Modelos de Negocio - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • Modelo de Negocio Canvas - ejemplo Tele Huerta SL - Entuxía, 2015.
  • S06.T Estrategia y Proposición de valor - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S06.L Estrategia y Proposición de valor - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • ¿Cómo se hace un análisis FODA o DAFO para una empresa cómo Netflix? - , foda-dafo,
  • S07.T Estudio del mercado y benchmarking - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S07.L Estudio del mercado y benchmarking - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • Casos Prácticos de Benchmarking - Rodriguez, Manuel, Academia, 2009.
  • S08.T Segmentación, posicionamiento y relación con los clientes. Marketing-mix (1) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S08.L Segmentación, posicionamiento y relación con los clientes. Marketing-mix (1) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu, Joaquim, UPC,
  • Segmentación de mercado: Qué es y cómo segmentar el mercado paso a paso - Mañez, Ruben, 2018.
  • S09.T Segmentación, posicionamiento y relación con los clientes. Marketing-mix (2) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S09.L Segmentación, posicionamiento y relación con los clientes. Marketing-mix (2) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S09.T2 Organigrama y personas - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • ¿Qué es el Marketing Mix?: Las 4Ps del Marketing [+ Ejemplo Práctico] - Romero, Bego, begoromero.com, 2018.
  • S10.T Búsqueda de recursos y aspectos económicos-financieros (1-Balance) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu, Joaquim; Eguiguren, Marc; Berbegal, Jasmina, UPC,
  • S10.L Búsqueda de recursos y aspectos económicos-financieros (1-Balance) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim; Eguiguren, Marc; Berbegal, Jasmina, UPC,
  • S11.T Búsqueda de recursos y aspectos económicos-financieros (2-Estado de Resultados, costes y tesorería) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim; Eguiguren, Marc; Berbegal, Jasmina, UPC,
  • S11.L Búsqueda de recursos y aspectos económicos-financieros (2-Estado de Resultados, costes y tesorería) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim; Eguiguren, Marc; Berbegal, Jasmina, UPC,
  • S12.T Búsqueda de recursos y aspectos económicos-financieros (3-Ratios) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • S12.L Búsqueda de recursos y aspectos económicos-financieros (3-Ratios) - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu, Joaquim, UPC,
  • Hito INA3-PE - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,
  • GCED.EI - Indicaciones hito INA3-PE - Sabate, Ferran; Deulofeu Joaquim, UPC,

Previous capacities

Not applicable