NotOnlyFlops, a team formed by FIB students, Fan Favorite award of the 11th edition of the ISC 2022 Student Cluster Competition.

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This is the seventh time a UPC student team has competed in the Student Cluster Competition and the fourth time it has won the Fan Favorite award.


The 11th edition of the ISC 2022 Student Cluster Competition in the online mode started on 2 December 2021 and the face-to-face mode took place on 30 May 2022. Five European teams have competed in the exhibition hall and all international teams have participated remotely on the servers of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Centre (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh) and SciNet (University of Toronto), and Bridges-2 which is the newest PSC supercomputer. The ISC 2022 Student Cluster Competition is organized by the HPC AI Advisory Council and it is part of a global effort to educate and teach the next generation of scientists and programmers. The competition has included applications addressing education and learning applied to accelerate bioscience research and discovery. The winning team of the 11th annual online competition was from Heidelberg University, Germany.

NotOnlyFlops is formed by the students Enric Condal Asensio, Erik Blázquez Fernández, Marc Blancafort Subirana, Miquel Comas Hervada, Roc Salvador Andreazini and Xavier Coll Ribas.
The award ceremony took place on 1 June before the ISC High Performance Conference.

Congratulations to the NotOnlyFlops team for this award!