Patricia Sampedro, student of Degree in Informatics Engineering at FIB wins the Student Category 12 x 12 Dona TIC 2016 awards.
The Dona TIC Awards wants to recognize and disseminate the fundamental role of women in the ICT field and encourage younger women to study engineering and take leathership positions in the sector.
Tuesday 31 January 2017
These awards were created in 2015 to promote and recognize the role of women in the field of Information and Communication Technologies, as well as to sensitize economic and social actors to the need to incorporate more women - and especially younger women - in this sector.
Promoted by the Secretaria de Telocomunicacions, Ciberseguretat i Societat Digital and Tertúlia Digital in collaboration with the Observatori Dona, Empresa, Economia de la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, they are structured into six categories. The winners of this second edition have been:
Category Enterpresing to Carlota Pi Amorós, co-founder of the commercial company of the green energy HolaLuz
The awards ceremony was held on December 15, 2016 during the 12 × 12 Congress, the great end-of-year meeting of the entire Catalan ICT sector, in which Secretary Jordi Puigneró presented to the attendees the National Pact for Society Digital signed recently by the Generalitat, the four Catalan councils and the local world to foster folded the development of the Catalan digital society.
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