The Hackathon Mobility BCN 2018, organized by CARNET, SEAT and the TELEFÓNICA and METROPOLIS cátedras: LAB, took place at the UPC on 9, 10 and 11 of March.
Monday 19 March 2018
The objective was to train interdisciplinary teams to create applications to provide solutions to future mobility problems. The competition involved participation in three possible categories: Social Mobility: waking up the Machines (use of information and technologies for the design of more sustainable mobility), AI for Mobility and Driving Experience (use of intelligence artificial to solve mobility improvement) and Visualizing Mobility (study the mobility patterns of cities, creating or improving derived services).
Alice's team, formed by Ester Lorente, Sandra Martín, Juan Salmerón and Marc Vila, has won the first prize of the Social Mobility Challenge: waking up the machines of the Hack for Good (cátedra Telefónica) with the Bvisible project
The second prize in the same category was for the Alex DeLarge team formed by Mario Martínez Grande, Josep Rovira Antonell, Alejandro Revilla Charlez and Álvaro Girona Arias, all of them students of the FIB, by the FIBConnect project.
Negan's team, formed by José Francisco Crespo, Josep de Cid, Montse Jándula, Sergio Paredes and Juan José Vázquez, has won with the Smart Rider project the 1st prize of the Visualizing Mobility challenge of Metropolis LAB Barcelona and the World Sensing Award.
The Alice and Negan teams have also won the Sparsity prize
More information: Hackathon Mobility BCN 2018
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