Computer services stopped as a measure of savings during the month of August

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From July 31 at 5:00 pm until August 27 at 1:00 pm, only the Racó, the web, the mail and a small set of computer services will work. Consult the details of the services.

Following the saving measures recommended by the UPC from July 31 at 5:00 pm and until August 27 at 1:00 pm,
we will stop some of the computer services provided from the inLab FIB, except:

  • Student email and  webmail.
  • Institutional Webs and "Raco" website.
  • Other services necessary to guarantee the availability and security of the previous services (DNS, LDAP, firewalls, etc.).

The rest of services (all the academic servers, databases, wikis, subject webs, etc.) will be stopped  in order to minimize the power consumption and  support during August.

Sorry for any inconvenience